
And yet every time they reforge, we are no closer to the chosen land. The gate is shut.

This is a good question. Rise from your grays, and hope someone provides an answer worthy of the dawn.

To whom it may concern.

Nothing could be duller than reading your commentary.

I watched The Darkest Minds, and I don’t know if we can fault the director as much as the action cinematographer, but that was a pretty terrible film.

I await forty, maybe fifty years of performances where he looks like that.

Because he damn well did.

Did you get JUICY in Cursive, or New Gothic?

I mean, I’ll be your proxy, I can’t get enough of good basketball with copious leg room.

The challenge is getting there around his flaccid opinions.

Actually, if you don’t unpack it, it is much easier to just shuffle off to the bin.

I’m waiting for the Collage of Coaches.

It takes true dedication to really gauge it up there.

The truck position did change, when the Chicken Tax made light truck imports infeasible.

I’ve met so many older men who hold the same beliefs, the only difference is that these young men have the internet - something that provides them unimaginable opportunity to challenge their beliefs and meet new people - and they employ it to visibly connect with other disaffected, emotionally underdeveloped men.

Really? Where is it, what gains has it made? How can I get involved?

Do you? Well, that is a failing on your part.

He married his wife, Alice Young, thirty years ago. Discomfort with an advance often has nothing to do with orientation.

First, concern over sexual assault and sexual harassment should not be partisan. Second, there is no organized left in America. Third, the politics of an abuser shouldn’t matter. Fourth, figures on the right actually have been getting away with it, including Trump and Roy Moore, so... what was your point?

What, so you can get a high five?