
You don’t have to believe me. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence produced a 528 page long Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program that proves just how fucking wrong you are.

USA drone strikes have done more to bolster ISIS’s ranks than any of their own efforts. Kill one terrorist with a drone and you create a dozen new ones.

Total bullshit. “Enhanced interrogation techniques” have almost never yielded actionable intelligence. Also, waterboarding is just the tip of the iceberg. The CIA employed many methods or torture, up to and including forcing a detainee to stand on broken feet. All that pain and agony did fuck all to help make the USA

The new Razer keyboards are very solid. I owned one of the crème de la crème mechanical keyboards of the previous generation, a Deck 108-key with Cherry MX clear switches:

I concur, how about this thing?

“that would require Congress to essentially rebuke the AMA and the AHA and inform the general populace about how health insurance actually works”

The detail work by GvE on this car is doubly impressive considering that the F40's factory paint quality was pretty abysmal even by the standards of the day. It’s not a Koenigsegg, it doesn’t have super-thick paint and even thicker clear-coat. I would be petrified to work on paint as thin as the F40's.

At least %90 of all houses made after WWII are complete shit. Sure, it’s expensive to replace windows, wiring, roofs and/or plumbing, but even all that stuff put together costs less than a crumbling foundation. The severity of the problems I’ve seen with houses less than 30 years old boggles my mind.

I would like to take a moment to thank you for being a person who finds abortion amoral yet recognizes the importance of a woman’s right to chose. Yours is the stance that every single anti-choice individual should have.

There have got to be dozens of people wanting to hire her now just on a “Fuck Trump” basis. I bet a nickel that standing up to these cheapskates is gonna be a huge career boost for her.

Now playing

The 3.7 was still a van engine, I don’t care how many camshafts it had. Compared to similarly sized V6es from Honda, Nissan or, hell, even freaking Hyundai the Ford 3.7 is just not a fun, sporty engine. It makes solid midrange power (like a van engine), but hates to rev and becomes utterly defeated when you get it

Just wait until the political cartoons start rolling in. Can you imagine how upset he would be to see even %10 of what was slung at Bush and Obama?

Yes. Struggling. How difficult for him.

“I think it’s better to err on the side of America, than the side of exploiting cheap foreign labor and pollution.”

Don’t worry. If Donald gets his way then domestic industry will be exploiting cheap American labor and pollution.

No, no, no! It’s pronounced: “GUH-LAR-DOUGH”

“Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?”

You don’t need to have been there to have at least some idea of what happened. The rim isn’t bent or damaged in the slightest. There’s not even curb rash. That means it wasn’t smashed into a curb at high speed or otherwise blugeoned by heavy crash forces.

Derp. I meant: