
In a proper nation with functional socialized healthcare, they’re just gonna get cancer that will be treated by the state for free. Better to put some money/effort into trying to prevent that. Even if it would ‘serve them right’ to be struck down by a grave illness for their stupidity, they’re just gonna blame it on

Because debt-based state-issued fiat currencies aren’t a scam? Governments just printing more money because they’ve been financially irresponsible isn’t a scam? The fact that every dollar in your bank account is only worth $0.90 compared to this time last year is just A-OK with you?

Wow, you really see through all the

Having a really hard time imagining a large amount of overlap between people who do the majority of their listening with ears and gear good enough to tell the difference and people who use streaming services at all. If you can distinguish between 320k and CD quality, and the difference bothers you, then you probably

Water. Cooled. Alternator.

You’re full of shit, Brian. You have posted “dogs in snow” not “heckin snow doggos.”

Here is a heckin snow doggo:

As someone who drives down Co Rd 16 from mile marker seven towards Steamboat five days a week, I can confidently say you’re full of shit. It’s four miles till I hit pavement in the morning and even from there it isn’t always a picnic. Snow-pack is the norm this time of year. Partial melt days are crazy dangerous after

Wow. I knew the GMG blogs had lost a lot of relevance over the past couple years, but the fact that CDPR can’t even be bothered to send a review code [which costs them no money] to Gizmodo really drives home just how far it has fallen since the height of Gawker’s popularity. 



A large part of the reason why early SUV’s were so prone to rollover incidents was the tires. They ran suuuuper tall, relatively skinny tires on small wheels. Sizes like the 235/70R16 that came stock on my old Honda Pilot were very prone to “folding over” when faced with severe lateral forces which massively

There will never be [god willing] stronger proof that what you say is true than what went down after Katrina. Black folks being rounded up into a literal concentration camp in the Superdome. Meanwhile, White citizens were deputized by local law enforcement and given permission to shoot on sight. Murders in the

*The white kid and his bros killed him

I honestly think it is crazy to refer to that stretch of road as “Interstate” at all. It’s just nothing like 99% of all the other interstate highway to be found in the USA. Despite that, it sees genuinely heavy traffic pretty much all the time since there are so few passages through that part of the state.

I actually

Man, I know it. I just get grumpy about the yawning chasm that is often found between the work of industrial/commercial electricians and residential electricians. Hell, even commercial sparkies who can do great work often half-ass it as soon as wood framing becomes involved. If it’s not all metal and conduit and cool

Duuuude I would not even begin to fuck with the I-70 run up to Eisenhower Tunnel in bad weather. Not voluntarily, anyway. I’m so happy I make my living out here and don’t have to fight my way in and out of the front range every time I want to go on a damn hike. I could make quite a bit more money as a fabricator in

There are very few situations where 240v will kill you but you would have been fine if it was 120v. It’s the amperage that’s deadly and a 120v line has more than enough to put you in an early grave. If you have wired motors before then your skill level is WAY higher than needed to install an outlet, run a bit of

The number of installs I’ve seen done by a “qualified electrician” that involved at least one hole which was clearly ‘cut’ with a hammer makes me seriously doubt how much better of a job a “qualified electrician” would do than a well-prepared DIYer.


Colorado has seen a mountain of immigrants from other states over the past 20 years, the majority of them coming in from California, Texas, and other bits of the Southwest. These are people who have never driven in snow in their life who have suddenly been transplanted into some of the most challenging winter

There’s a lot of us and only a few of them. It’s happened before and it will happen again.

Massive master bathroom gut-out and full rebuild went off without a hitch. The house was very high quality when built in 1908, but every single modification done to it since then was complete trash. Pulled out all the ruined dumb shit some idiot did in the 50's [judging by the old newspapers I found under the