
A fine sentiment. The problem is, those Volks are that specific shape for a reason. They are forged and can therefore be made with far thinner, more delicate spokes while still being plenty strong. A cast wheel doesn’t have anything like the same strength-to-weight ratio and therefore has no business being produced

They may be ok with losing vaccines, but just try taking away their smart-phones, TVs, and facebook accounts.

If I did %10 of what Spencer has done, my mother would shout me down at every available opportunity. She would put her life on hold to counter-protest any statement I made. Every media outlet that covered me would get dozens of phone calls and emails from her and everyone she knows saying how incredibly ashamed of me

That is definitely the case every time. Tom always has the best picks on these articles. Granted, he helps match people with their ideal cars for a living, so he might just have a pre-existing advantage here.

That professionalism is what makes his picks so good. This week especially, you can see that everyone but Tom

“Give me a GTA game where I can access every car with the flick of a few buttons and have it teleport in front of me.”

I know, it’s crazy!

Granted, the rest of the developed world being a smoking crater didn’t hurt.

The part I love most about your last statement is there was one, and only one, good thing about 1950's government policy that they would never, ever agree to go back to.

The tax brackets:

“Acceptance is pretty cool and in style.”

Hits the “forgotten” mark for sure. Nobody remembers these things were built. I’d take the extra money and upgrade the engine to CSL spec to go along with the brakes and suspension.

Now playing

Ditch the ugly wheels then spend the rest of the budget on headers and custom exhaust:

Romney will refuse the appointment, guaranteed. Mittens is a straight shooter compared to these clowns. He won’t want to gum up his shoes with all the dogshit he’d be required to walk through in order to work with them.

If what you say is true, then why was the emergency ban on Kratom recently defeated thanks to the grass-roots effort of passionate, organized individuals who had no backing from powerful commercial interests in any way?

Rape isn’t sex, it’s sexual assault; end of story.

Lazy dogs unite!

“I’m still in shock ANY of these assholes are forming a government while we are all looking on helplessly.”

I’m just gonna leave this here.

Because the laws are inherently misogynistic. They are transparently written to punish women for having sex and spreading disenfranchisement among the poor.

Spoken like a privileged individual who has never known true hardship. Must be nice. There are folks who struggle to cover five miles to get to the grocery store for sustenance that they will literally die without. I know, I’ve been one of them.

“Y’all are so eager to make her some type of pillar for anti-choice when you have no idea whether or not she’s just an asshole.”

I’m lucky enough to still have functional SNES hardware that I used to introduce my kid to gaming. She’s 7 now and still isn’t terribly interested in modern games. She’ll take Yoshi’s Island or Kirby Super Star over X1/PS4 games any day of the week. If I didn’t have original hardware, you can bet your ass it would be