
“hopefully he will be impeached soon”

“Ronald Reagan was the worst President that the working man in this country ever had.”

It was. Trump got more votes than Hillary in all income brackets except households that bring in under $50,000 a year. His voters skewed wealthy.

Get used to it. Pence will be POTUS in every sense but name.

+1, why does everybody think Trump needs to die or abdicate the presidency for Pence to be in control? Are they too young to remember or have simply forgotten about Dick Cheney? Pence will be %100 in control from day one and Trump will be the blow-hard figurehead that everyone makes fun of on late-night television.

One of my favorites to throw in the face of so-called “devout Christians,” especially those such as Gibson:

It’s not hard to learn about them. MotoIQ has had some incredibly good, in-depth coverage of several high-profile drift car builds.

All top-level drift cars these days would make monstrous track-cars with only minor adjustments to suspension geometry, R-compound tires, and some upgraded brakes. The brakes are really the only major thing that separates a drift car from a track car.

[engage whiny voice]

Caps Lock: the true mark of a “real man”.

Yes. The fake pretty-boy motorsport which has a rule-book that shows this as the minimum roll cage spec:

This is a top-level competition drift car. Nobody, least of all Tuerck, gives a fuck about the quality of the finish. A large amount of the paint is going to end up deposited on the bodywork of other cars.

It’s an extremely modern drift car. All the most competitive ones are set up that way nowadays. The ridiculously wide front track gives better high-speed stability when drifting and also allows for an absurd amount of steering lock:

Must be tough being so unbelievably perfect that you can’t help but take to your keyboard to cast judgement.

+1 to this. Billy Dee caliber smoothness doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years to develop, and I can scarcely imagine a popular actor who would be better at portraying the early days of that development than Glover.

Never played the game as a kid, but have memories of the short-run comic based on it that ran in Nintendo Power. Damn I thought it was cool.

Shit man, the best part of having a kid is the legitimate excuse it provides to watch monster trucks. My seven-year-old is that perfect tom-boy blend:

I didn’t post that as a put-down on tractor pulls. I love them too, and was trying to think of a form of motorsport that is more exciting/more of a spectacle than drift. Tractor pull was the only thing that came to mind. Perhaps monster trucks?

So what motorsport do you watch. Tractor pull?

Welp, just reinforces the notion that the mechanicals have nothing to do with it.