
Watch the video again. The brake lights come on! Dude tapped the fucking brakes when the car broke traction. You should never do that. Simply lifting off the power too suddenly in the middle of a slide will upset the car. Actually hitting the brakes is even worse.

The crazy part is, a lot of people who defend systemic inequity actually don’t benefit from it. Racism is one example, but an even more obvious one is wealth inequality.

The Hoonicorn runs a modified SADEV SC90-24:

This. So much this. I 100% advocate Making a Scene, especially considering how defensive men generally are about unwanted touching themselves.

Star for road awareness. If everyone drove like you, Musk would have decades left to go before he could claim his cars drove themselves more safely than people do.

After this final, reverberating shit-show of a debate, Melania knows what’s coming. Maybe she knew before, but she definitely knows it now. She’s had to put up with all this bullshit and do all this damage control only to be the wife of the most disgraced Presidential candidate of all time.

“Same diff”

Obligatory whining: Why would you make cosplay of a dead game? Ugh.

“...particularly when these are the folks that ensure a relatively constant stream of extremely nice, often lightly used, OEM components for pennies on the dollar.”

I mean, for those who love to drive, it is more than worth it. I personally think more driving enthusiasts should consider a high-end diff, especially if their car is RWD.

Many games that have zero DRM have done well financially. Stardew Valley cemented the career of its creator and has generated a massive amount of money for how few resources went in to its development. Many folks who pirated it initially wound up buying it due to the game’s high level of polish and the creator’s

It sounds like a pair of 283 V8's having a vicious fist-fight! Tears of joy are the only reasonable response.

Yes, a combination of proprietary technology and ridiculously high manufacturing quality conspire to make the Cusco RS an expensive proposition.

“Makes short wheel base cars sketchy and nervous to drive which is exactly how I like them.”

Hahaha! You put a Cusco RS in a LeMons racer? Even if you got a great Craigslist deal on it, that seems a little cheaty to me. I mean a brand-new off-the-shelf Cusco RS goes for at least three times the $500 limit you’re supposed to be spending on the whole car!

Granted, that kind of stealthy cheat is keeping in the

You just described a Salisbury diff. A standard Torsen is not a Salisbury, it is a helical, it has no clutch pack and has zero locking ability. It merely biases the torque to the wheel with more grip, as long as there is enough forward momentum in the system.

Try reading your own source material, it says nothing about

No shit. How much did Peter Thiel spend to destroy Nick Denton and Gawker Media because they outed him as gay? The dude blasted a sizable chunk out of the First Amendment just for petty revenge.

No, it is not remotely safe on a street-car. Any slight loss in traction against the road surface is potentially catastrophic. We’re not talking snow and ice here, we’re talking a bit of overspray from a sprinkler system, or a light dusting of sand and you are going straight into a tree.

No, everyone suddenly started insisting that drifting easily = fun handling. “Good” and “fun” are two rather different things.