Given that circumstance, I wouldn't have gotten in the car in the first place.
Because nobody ever buys a car with cash? Or makes any other legitimate purchase of more than a couple grand with cash?
Hahahaha! Oh man, to be so naive must be quite a thing. People go to prison for possessing small quantities of marijuana all the time.
Jesus Christ, why do so many people seem to assume that, because it is a minivan, it must have been the driver of that vehicle that was at fault? That intersection is blatantly a two way stop! It was completely the Prius driver's fault.
Nope. If you pay attention starting at the 0:20 mark you will see that the intersection is only a two-way stop. It was the Prius driver's responsibility to make sure the road was clear when he crossed. The van had the right of way. It was the Prius driver that fucked up big time.
That is not even the worst one. Fucking french fries count as a vegetable in school lunches according to the USDA:
Love this gif. That moment when the person's hand first makes contact and the cat turns its head is priceless. The look in its eyes:
"my dad has a 2008 e60 523i and loves it"
Utterly, utterly intentional. One of the announcers says it perfectly around 2:40 in the second video:
Sure, as long as you are willing to spend $55K instead of $10K.
Nope, 50's models. Remember, a VW engine is held in with only 4 bolts. It is mechanically straightforward (though not easy) to move the mounting locations higher up into the chassis, thus raising the rear half-shafts and bringing the suspension geometry back into line.
Education hasn't been the point for a long time. Teach to test, no child left behind, standardized testing overload, abstinence-oriented sex ed, and bringing the criminal justice system into the classroom have all been huge steps towards cutting real learning out of the education system.
You raise the engine and trans higher up into the chassis. It is a huge PITA which is why you rarely see it.
No, I've seen lowered drag bugs that don't have this problem. They actually go fast, so they can't have such terrible camber settings. Fixing this problem requires extensive modification of the car (raising the engine+trans), which is why you basically never see it on home-built bugs.
No, you just raise the drivetrain to fix the shitty camber. No airbags required. It is a difficult job, not something an at-home hot-rodder would normally do.
"unless you raise the drivetrain in the body"
These badly-aligned rear wheels really sell the whole "self-built" claim with this build. No self-respecting hot-rod shop would ever turn out a car with that kind of stance. Doing camber correction on a drastically lowered car like this is tricky business and something you rarely see in home-built hot-rods.