
You realise that I know my parents a little better than you - but thanks for your input.

You can also make quick tacos and burritos with black beans and some other ingredients that are often already prepped (shredded cheese, some sour cream, a tortilla you just need to heat up).

Even the “good” seasons are 5 episodes too long.

It’s A.A. Ron Rodgers. 

Words are wind.

Every word he said was worth its weight in gold.”

Oh man, here’s a twitter thread with more like this...

It Takes Two is one of the worst written stories I’ve ever experienced in a game, it’s like an alien who observed human TV for ten minutes wrote it then a three year old adapted their work and then someone took a pass to make sure every line of dialogue was as clumsy as it could be

I liked A Way Out so much better than It Takes Two 

He’s spinning the ball on his finger! Just take it!

He also didn’t have a face that first meeting. Neither did Fox, who theorizes they weren’t yet ready for each other yet, ‘so our souls, our spirit guides, were luring us away from each other... like that thing from Spirited Away.

Listen, there are six distinct and identifiable types of people: those who dimly remember the Oprah incident, those who think Jonathan Franzen is middlebrow, those who think he’s sexist, those who think he’s racist, those who hate that white men are read, and those who have read two Jonathan Franzen books.

Is it a requirement that The Takeout have at a minimum of at least2 articles about ‘saving your bacon grease’ every year?

Heating up tortillas in bacon grease for breakfast tacos is just about the most amazing thing ever. you can even cook the bacon for your tacos, dump out the excess grease and then throw the tortillas in the pan right after. gives them such a delicious flavor

came here for this one. 

I had a roommate who was in law school and he used to drop and do push-ups at random intervals throughout the day whenever he felt his concentration waning. I honestly didn’t get it until I was working from home and picked up a Quest, and found myself doing a run through Pistol Whip every couple of hours for the exact

i describe it to people as “Dance Dance John Wick”

which includes Fable II but, sadly, not the far superior Fable III