I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.
I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.
A gourd-winning writer, you mean?
Ted’s Frequent Liar Miles
I like to imagine that this was just a thing that Bill Paxton used to throw out there all the time.
I recall the last few seasons having a few too many “Strawman Antagonist of the week introduces a cosmopolitan, big-city idea that creates problems only Hank can solve with Common Sense” episodes for my taste, but the character-focused episodes were still great (i.e., “Death Picks Cotton,” the episode where...well,…
I’m kind of surprised this isn’t an article explaining this is actually a revered and authentic pizza variation known as ‘Wichita Style’.
My sister and I once heard my mother open a Kraft caramel wrapper from three rooms away. When we arrived in the kitchen where she hadn’t even finished opening the damn thing she was all HOW?
Maybe your mother should have taken your advice.
The people complaining obviously aren’t parents. After nearly a year of pandemic parenting I think a secret drink location sounds just about perfect.
I hide from my children to eat snacks, I drink right in front of them.
SR3 was incredibly stupid but it had genuinely intense moments with some heartfelt cutscenes; there were a lot of good character moments. Sincere ones. Not just stupid memes 100% of the time.
Garlic Cholula for me, same reasons as you and am a garlic freak.
They should have taken that $85 value and given us 1 really good game.
People are just trying to help improve his decorations. Every time the cops show up, it increases the odds of another dead body on his lawn.
I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder
if I’m really close to someone and I see they’re not living their values or are accidentally teaching a value I know they wouldn’t agree with
I fixed your title for you:
I still think L.A. Noire takes the crown in “attention to detail put into this gorgeous city, and then put absolutely nothing to do in it.”
I met my wife in a basement bar. Quarry House Tavern in Silver Spring, Maryland.