
Don’t forget all of the raves. If I had to guess why society had basically collapsed in the Matrix world, it was likely to do with all the shitty-EDM music played over slo-mo Miller Genuine Draft dance parties.

It’s worse on ps4, especially base model ps4. If you have one of the later model Xbones then you might be fine, especially with some slight improvements they made post-launch. However, it’s unfortunately very likely that it will get worse as you play. The frame-rate drops are mostly an issue in big fights.

Real talk. How do you keep the controller powered off? I would love to do this as well, but any paired controller can be turned on with the press of any button, right? At which point of course your game play turns into a frustrating back and forth of ”please don’t touch that one sweety”.

The type of grind you use makes a big difference in how the water absorbs the flavors and compounds of the beans, as well as how long you have to let the coffee brew. If you’re using one of those cheapo blade grinders, you’re not going to get an even extraction because the grounds aren’t uniform in size and shape,

How dare you, Olivia is a treasure. (she gets a lot better trust me)

When we last covered Chad Kroger (not that one)...

Clearly it came from GrubHub.

Claire is making it sound like you glop the mayo on the bread.  When I use mayo for grilled cheese, I use probably a tsp per slice of bread.  The sammich comes out crispy and not oily at all.  I switch back and forth between mayo and butter when I make grilled cheese.

I’m convinced half the people here have convinced themselves mayo is the inferior ingredient but wouldn’t actually be able to tell the difference in most cases.

The game changing trick with the mayo, is mixing in shredded cheese.
That is right, cheese on the outside and the inside of the bread.  Mayo is the glue that holds it together long enough to cook.

Yeah that’s where I’m at, mayo is so much easier and if I’m making a grilled cheese sandwich I’m not interested in the best imaginable sandwich. I’m making it for myself so the amount of time and effort it takes to make (and clean!) is very important to how enjoyable the food actually is. Doubling the effort for a 5%

You know I saw this today as I was flying over the parking lot. Touching. 

There indeed will be a second season!

You sound pretty salty.  Maybe you should take a vacation.  A cruise perhaps

That’s my biggest question. My wife does OK with 2D games but is really intimidated by 3D controls. Hearing your comment about only needing one person with decent aiming skills being enough to get by makes me more curious about this.

Wow really?   Now I know what I have been doing wrong!!!

Wow really?   Now I know what I have been doing wrong!!!

I think this season has fewer episodes, which is a start. Holy hell, did Season One drag.

This is such a ridiculous criteria that i commend you for dying on the strangest of hills

Yes, David Lynch and David Fincher are the same person.