This show sounds about as interesting as listening to my co-workers endlessly discussing crossfit and marathons while eating tuna straight out of the can at lunch.
This show sounds about as interesting as listening to my co-workers endlessly discussing crossfit and marathons while eating tuna straight out of the can at lunch.
Am an unapologetic adult fan of dear Ed. Yeah, sometimes his music takes a turn for the cheesy or incoherent but I consider him a pretty clever writer. He’s got good beats, good melodies and pens some tunes that still speak to my once-teenage heart.
I deal in fantasy too. I’ve heard fantasies just like this one expressed by a few people.
She just recently won an Emmy for a web series she produced. There’s always more than one entry point into a career.
While I don’t love her dress either, I’m happy to see Karreuche making a career and reputation for far far away from her terrible ex, as humanly possible.
If she had been vicious, people would have said “You can’t win people over by being so nasty.” That would have been bullshit tone policing. This is a pretty nasty cousin to tone policing, demanding that someone who has been affected by bigotry address that bigotry in a perfectly acceptable (to you) way.
Her ‘brand’ resulted in her receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and to me at least, President Obama’s remarks during the ceremony serve as an appropriate refutation to this comment.
The problem with the death penalty isn’t the people who deserve it. It’s the people who don’t.
I mean, this is one of those examples where I absolutely agree that my own personal feelings get in the way of what I know rationally to be correct. I know rationally that the death penalty is wrong and I believe wholeheartedly that it should be abolished, but my own feelings right now are that if Dylann Roof is…
It’s a weak chin and a skinny dong.
I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.
It’s a rare kind of animal, sort of like a leech but way fatter and more disgusting. It lives on other people’s money.
I think the fact that it’s an unemployed, broke-ass, leech has the nerve to pull some incestuous fuck-boy shit to the girl paying his car note.
It seems to escape some people (male) that sisters/twins in a threesome is incest. So totally NOT hot for them or most of the known world (female). Guys are simply disgusting.
Oops; that was supposed to be “statutes” in my last comment. But no, in Colorado, he really was too young to be charged. The law there is explicit about that.
The judgment is the worst. When I last had dinner with former-date-turned-AA-fucktard, I was telling him about another friend of mine who had decided to leave AA and do sobriety his own way, and who had not had a drink in about five years.
Being an addict is the worse, and in America, who isn’t addicted to something? I’m already gay, red haired, left handed, 6 ft; do I want or need another attribute? Also AA and 12 step programs are an outdated relic that is great if you are a wasp heterosexual male in the 1930's. I’m gay, I already understand what it…
Hey do you by chance have any more pictures relating to not even once and meth?
OFMG with this family. Was there house built on a hellmouth?
brad pitt impregnates marion cotillard during filming in february / having affair on set of spy movie like when brangelina met and had affair / cotillard sophisticated french woman a lot like her mom