Every single time I see the damn preamble I sing the schoolhouse rock song.
Every single time I see the damn preamble I sing the schoolhouse rock song.
Gansel Awlgurt is the one who we are only aware of because his dad was somebody with powerful social connections, and rich.
I’m glad you found the reason for your gastroparesis and was able to stop it! That’s great!
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
President Obama is at his best with he’s interacting with children.
Stop saying shit is meaningless. That’s why people sit at fucking home and don’t vote, or vote third party, or elect a hate-spewing racistmisogynisticpieceofshitasshole for our president.
Myself included. When Florida went, that’s when I went for the weed.
Educate yourself. Please try to learn that sexism is not gender specific! Women can and are avid supporters of sexism, misogyny and patriarchy. This is why they hand their daughters off in child marriage, vote against equal pay, and revile rape victims.
Thank you for this beautiful opportunity to snark about the one group in America that everyone hates; the fucking marathon runners who can’t shut up about their training.
If your fictitious woman had 3 husbands and 6 children by 3 men and cheated on all of them - like Trump, that woman would have been run out of the primaries on a rail.
FUCK man. What do we do. My mom is a poor immigrant immigrant. My mom and dad depend on the ACA. it saved my moms life. I’m a newly former drug addict that had hope seeing the scale down on the war on drugs. I’m an ex con that cares about the criminalization of poverty. I’m so, so disappointed. For the first time I…
I appreciate the sentiment but its a little hard to believe right at this moment .
I picked a hell of a day to quit sniffing glue
Ah yes, the famous city of Seoul, North Korea.
No, seriously, why does he get to cut the line? Is there any precedent for this? It seems illegal and is definitely unfair.
It was really night and day. Last time I was there, I was spit on by a man who yelled “fuck Bush!” A French woman verbally dressed him down though, so that was nice. I also think that all of the Chinese tourists make us look good. Most American tourists don’t go around in giant groups and we don’t push, so having…
Oh man, I worked at ASDA which is Walmart’s subsidiary in the UK and they tried to make us smile and be pleasant to customers. This is beyond my skills. I’m Northern Irish and congenitally dour. I don’t hate the stranger but I strongly suspect he has committed murder.
The point he was making is that we should only care about the thing he personally experiences. Are you under the impression that women can hide that they are women and not experience sexism?
If you’re black, racism clearly seems like the worse of all the bigotries. If you’re gay, homophobia seems worse. If you’re a woman, sexism the most insidious.
My immediate response as a Black woman was fuck you, Dave Chappelle.