Opiates are the religion of the masses

I emailed. People are also responding to me that I have never seen comment in my life but Im not even looking at what they say. If i dont know you we aint talkin! Im not gonna get caught up in another graphic photo thread. I would advise you do so too!!!!

The shoplifters! Some funny jokes came out of that.

City of Bones is the only book I’ve not been able to finish since I was a child. It’s dreadful. I never saw the movie but the TV show had hilarious ads; there’s a character with a whip, but it’s all CGI so she just kind of limply moves it 99% of the time. I’ve moved beyond my original point but it’s just too good

OMG, I remember this! Also she used to constantly queer bait.

Every single time someone recommends one of her books to me, I laugh and tell them why I refuse to read any of it. And then explain that it’s a 50 Shades situation where all of her shit is just name changed fanfiction. People get oddly defensive of her. She’s not even a good writer? I don’t get it.

My favorite HP drama probably concerns Cassandra Clare and her Draco trilogy, but that one has aged DELICIOUSLY. She’s so big now and the bitterness is just right.

Just throws it on the side of the road for an endangered salamander to choke on.

Fuck you, fuckface.

Looks like it’s time to purify myself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

I am irrationally involved in the online lives of the Teen Moms. I find it almost therapeutic and relaxing to get lost in such a trivial world.

 a tumblr community of recreational shoplifters,

I miss the days of yore when people would dox each other and start warring factions over Harry Potter slash fiction on Livejournal. These days I’m all about beauty guru drama on YT and TERF drama on tumblr.

Man, that’s awful! I’m very sorry. I dated a guy once who I’m pretty sure had narcissistic personality disorder. He lied about EVERYthing. Like random shit—saying that he didn’t get his haircut when I could tell he did (gaslighting). I had never known anyone like that before so I didn’t realize to the extent that a

Omg I found out the same way! Gotta love assholes and their sloppy email. One of the doubters told me I must have suspected something because I snooped in his emails. The truth is, I was presented with an opportunity and I was just being nosy. *shrug*

I would love to know what other heavy topics they considered as appropriate forced banter before settling on “race”. Here’s a list of what I hope the losers looked like:

Someone painted, “pumpkin spice is people” outside my starbucks.

I may or may not have written a letter to Howard Schultz challenging him to go to any Starbucks unannounced, act as a barista and engage customers in a discussion on race.

OK, so everyone on the cup is green except this one little exclusive enclave of white faces? Like a little gated community? And they’re all huddled in the center of the cup, like a spotlight shining on center stage? I guess Starbucks thinks the white ones are the only ones worth paying attention to.

Christ, that business. How long did that last? It was clearly initiated by someone who had no memory, if no actual experience, working in the food service trenches.