meteor scented____ followsthegreys

“‘Having a baby out of wedlock is a break from royal protocol,...”

Yeah. He got one and then a Fresh One too. He should have to wait in line.

Since your own government operates so well, maybe you could explain it us.

What no name? How will this skinhead get all of that p*ssy ( hell, my p*ssy and every p*ssy-haver I know) if he doesn’t leave a number? We’re all lining up out here with covered casseroles and our p*ssies out.

Haha! Thanks for that reminder.


There have been a few “Superhero” costumes that have emphasized male nipples.

Good hack,

Poodletime. Just ignore these people. A few have already admitted they are here for one reason: to mess with commenters on SNS. It doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, you’ll get piled. You are very much loved at Jezebel, and you have nothing to prove or defend.

The Intersectional Feminist..Adios. Au Revoir. Bye

helenaww. haha! Bye.

Prostate of Dorian Gray.

Bye, bye, Honey Bee.

I like the idea of double weddings, even group weddings. It moves the focus from “see how special the two of us are” to “ we are a community celebrating a bond that ties us together both as a couple and to other adults with whom we are sharing an amazing experience together. Hey! We’re adulting!”

Maybe cause I’m an Olde who has barely been able to stand where I live since I came here. Or Maybe most people here really are dickish, but people seem so paranoid about meeting new people. This is the only social media I use, but I suspect that using a lot of it might affect one’s perspective on who or who not to

Capture the exchanges on your phone (mine doesn’t do video, but if it did....)?

I doubt if you have any smell on you. You would notice, and it would likely make you physically ill. Good luck with your pup.

NatTheBurnerTurner you won’t be able to provoke me. You’re a troll in every sense of the word. Bye.

You don’t owe anyone an apology here. You might be told that your comments are “doing something to people.” Feel free to dismiss.