meteor scented --- youknowyouthatbitchwhen...

It looked like there was something going on with the bar, and he was concerned/curious............acting like the typical resident in my town. They were probably just “annoyed” that a real, live human being was acting like a human being.

Officer Gump in the foreground, tho. That’s a nation-wide cop move.


That was total fucking entrapment.

Ha ha haaaa!!

You should post much much less. Seriously dude. Your ass is all over the place and there is a tangible stink, although thank goodness I don’t have to actually touch you.

jesus christ thank you. All of the fuckingblogs with “Mary and Kate. {I mean Mary Kate and Ashley]” They never say “to the left” like we are supposed to know.

This bitch is staring at Death’s face.

June 17. 2014 segment: I was just waiting for him to talk about Obama. Holy F-ing shit.

fuck, you just made me cry, for real. so much fucking hatred in the world....

Holy___! She looks fierce. Is Marvel going to make her a Superhero, cause I want to see her spank some ass. The umbrella would be no bueno though.

I’ve been around a while now and have seen some shit, but I don’t think even on my worst day I’m as bitter on the inside as that man is on the outside. And I hope to god I never am.

OMG “Infantocrat” is a real word.

hey, thanks for that reply! I can’t wait to look up Zoe.I have always shied away from pants-making. Now I realized it was mostly fear (and not wearing pants:)

The horrifying reality of REAL WAR is just so amusing and provides you with those necessary number of Ooooooos that can supply you with SOME kind of feels.

Because she does not and has never cared, as you do. You are - I think- very young and stupid and know very little about the Real World. I have a 19 yr. old friend who had a stroke; The “facility” where he lives is going to make it BIG when he stops breathing. And they WILL make sure that he stops breathing.

Dude. You can still turn this around if you know what kind of cog in the machine you are meant to be; because you haven’t a creative or intuitive bone in your body, and folks are purposefully ignoring your sad “game.” Attempting to suss out American politics isn’t working for you, because (sorry) You Don’t.Know.Shit.

Damn I love British men ( and have done so), but why do high profile dudes like this feel the NEED to go all colonial?

Sorta agree, but with two exceptions it was all black and white. I am ebay-ing everything black & white I own.

Alas. These days we all have to hide. I have been on this planet for a long time. Yet - as saith Chaucer ( I LOVE Chaucer) “People can die of mere imagination.”