
I would ensure that my favorite designers/producers always have the money to fund their projects. No kickstarter for you Tim Schafer.

Shepherd is a woman. Why would you want a man to player her?

I have always wondered what it was like being a Bills fan in the early 90s. I mean on the one hand they were a perennial contender and made it to 4 consecutive Super Bowls. On the other hand that is insane luck that they couldn't win one of them. As a Titans fan I have The Tackle/One Yard Short but it wasn't like that

Probably. The gameplay can be repetitive so if you aren't 100% after the carrot on the stick that they dangle in front of you it can get boring really quickly.

If you played Borderlands you have essentially played Diablo. Go out kill monsters, get loot, go out kill more monsters, get better loot and repeat forever. For some people (like me) its digital crack for others (like you) its just mindless clicking and repetitive.

How big of a worry is over-saturating the market and do you plan your release cycles and projects around that. I remember the Guitar Hero crumbled under the weight of its multiple releases every year. Is that just something that niche games deal with or is there ever a point where you legitimately worry that there are

I doubt that happens. 14 shot itself in the foot when it released as a mess. In this day and age that is what people remember. When you mention FF 14 to someone it isn't going to draw a response of "oh they were going to fix that right?" it will draw a "oh that was the one that sucked." Just like the box office, the

I am Don Mattrick and I can tell you that this stuff is all legit.

For me it is pretty simple: after I finish the game the first time and it sits around for a few months do I still get an urge to go back to it. I generally play a single game to completion before starting another and as such I have what amounts to a calendar as far as what order I play games in. Of course every once

Maybe their next generation handheld can go single screen and revive handheld gaming's greatest brand; GameBoy.

A lot of the glory day Rare team isn't there. The Goldeneye/PD team mostly left to form Free Radical and a bunch of others left about the time Banjo-Kazooie finished development. Add to that a market that has been relatively meh in regards to the few games they developed and Microsoft just doesn't feel like giving

I have always felt that the real tension of the series comes from characters like the Illusive Man. The Reapers are there and have to be dealt with, the real issue is how far are we willing to go and what sacrifices will we justify to reach that end. I can't even call the Illusive Man truly evil, he is just someone

You have to understand, as Joe Gordon pointed out, ultimately the actors aren't really watching their performance. They are watching the performance the director (or editor, producer or whoever else) selected. Sheen didn't record the lines in one take and those ended up in the game, just like he doesn't do just one

Not liking a game and arguing that they have no idea what they are doing are too different things. I can't stand the Uncharted series but I wouldn't say Naughty Dog has no clue how to develop a game.

I can't decide which is more surprising; a South Park game that might not suck or Obsidian being given more than a year to develop a game.

They don't need to switch them up but they should at least include an option to map the buttons the way everyone else does. Every other shooter has somewhat standardized controls (zoom on left trigger, sprint on left stick, etc.) but Halo stubbornly sticks with that same control set that it has used since CE. All I am

Except Halo is the only shooter that still doesn't include an option to map its controls similarly to Call of Duty (and Battlefield and most every other first person shooter out there anymore). I really enjoy Halo but I don't want to have to re-learn the controls every time I go back to play it after any sort of time

There isn't a set up that maps exactly like how every other shooter does.

My only question is does Halo 4 finally conform to the standard shooter controls? I played Reach yesterday and spent most of the first match throwing grenades when I wanted to use my scope, doing nothing when I wanted to sprint and zooming in when I wanted to melee.

Until I know what 2K13 is bringing to the table in terms of a single player campaign (something akin to NBA's Greatest or Jordan Challenge) I won't be buying it. I would be perfectly happy with 2K12 until 2K13 has a price drop unless it ups the ante again on the single player front.