Yea I would figure 2K would want to record the games or at least record the play by play or something to verify the lineups were correct.
Yea I would figure 2K would want to record the games or at least record the play by play or something to verify the lineups were correct.
Which is why I want the franchise dead. I would rather have been stuck with the first generation (maybe the second, I really liked GSC) than have to find 400 monsters. The game is still the same at its core, they just draw some new monsters and throw it out there.
While I would be technically killing the series I would at least do it quickly and mercifully causing it the least amount of pain. I would take my blade to Poke'mon. I loved the early games (RBY and GSC) and also really enjoyed BW but I really can't take another 100 more Poke'mon being added every 2-4 years.
Indie is short for independent. If I am not mistaken all of these games were developed by independent developers and the developers still own the IP. Just because they had EA distribute the game doesn't mean they aren't indie.
Not even true, they simply didn't want Valve cutting into their DLC sales (the only direct-to-consumer sales point for publishers). EA wanted all DLC sales to be done through there in game storefront. Valve, who was also greedy and wanted money (I know its like they are a for-profit company or something) said that to…
Finished the fight and became a Legend.
Yea, but you are probably in the minority on that considering how popular and widely read Simmons is. His basketball book was a #1 NYT Bestseller.
Obviously this is the only option. It couldn't be that *gasp* he genuinely didn't enjoy it.
Honestly Nintendo doesn't have to put Mario on other platforms. They had a bad year where they botched a console launch (that has since righted itself) and didn't have many major releases (Skyward Sword stands alone). With a new console launch this year I would expect things turn around for them.
I thought it might die around the time they started season 6. It tried to be a bit more serious at the start and didn't have any of the old characters at first. It ended up being a bait and switch however and it ended up being the same old show. It hasn't changed much, but if liked it then you will still probably like…
When you put the story of HL2 that way it almost sounds like Eli is in.... another prison.
I don't think story is bad, but I can't think of a game off the top of my head that really does it well through gameplay alone. That is part of the challenge in developing for an interactive medium and also part of the fun. There is a level of innovation and experimentation in storytellers that developers simply…
The problem is that gamers and developers already have a definition of what cinematic means. Uncharted is hyped as cinematic, not because the gameplay looks like it could have been ripped from a film, but because it emulates the popcorn summer blockbuster.
It's not about linear or non-linear, sandbox or not. Its about the way the game presents itself. Uncharted wishes it was a movie, hell they designers have said they build the games around the massive cinematic set pieces (such as the sinking ship or the train falling off a cliff) and then plug everything else around…
When you have an interactive media built around the player being in control taking it away to advance the plot is a cop out. Yes, forcing the player to sit and watch a small movie ensures that they will at least have heard the plot but if you create a compelling enough plot I won't feel the need to ignore it if you…
I have been playing through FFXIII after getting off of 12 hour shifts at work and it can be hard to stay awake playing, especially because at this point the game is still in the press A (auto-battle) to win stage.
Did anyone else find the DKC music to be the best part of the whole video?
I spent forever on 1-2 because I couldn't get myself to believe that the pirahna plant would still come up even when I am standing on the pipe.
I agree 100% with the tedious feeling of Skyward Sword. For most single player games I can play that game through to completion over the course of 2-4 weeks and nothing else. With Skyward Sword I feel burned out after every dungeon or so. I think part of the problem is that they filled the lowerworld with puzzles so…
I would probably buy that game actually.