
I didn't so much care about the design of the boss battles and the mechanics, but was instead upset with the fact they even existed at all. To offer all of the options throughout the rest of the game and then force players into a boss fight they may or may not be prepared for just made no sense at all (I know everyone

That was what I was thinking. I thought Grin was brought in just to do the boss battles.

Great news, although I just found out the only ME2 character I finished all the DLC with is a default Shep so no worries until I go back and finish the DLC with the other 2 (although it should be patched by then).

Is this affecting everyone or can I be lucky and avoid it? If so fingers will be crossed as soon as the discs install.

I use them fairly frequently. Right now I work in EMS and we have an 360 at our station for use in downtime/overnight. I have a bunch of things on the Cloud so I can play them at home or work.

Honestly, look at the stands. No one goes, especially when the top 2-3 guys in the rotation aren't pitching. Cut it down to 3-4 games a week over 6 months and that would make it more interesting with less guys from the bottom of the rotation that only diehards can name pitching.

Honestly the only way baseball could capture my interest is to cut 60-80 games and 2-3 months off the season. I get excited for opening day and then about a month in I just stop caring anymore. Season is just way too long to capture anyone with a casual interest.

I have really wanted to join in a Game Club since they brought it back but I think I will be missing out yet again, although this time it will be more of my choice than before. (Wasn't playing Gears at the time, don't own a PS3 and Zelda was an upcoming gift I had yet to receive, plain forgot about Portal 2). I think

Really, because my dictionary clearly states that sorcerer is one who practices black magic/sorcery, also has wizard under there. The entry for sorcery also states the use of supernatural powers through the aid of black magic, dark spirits or witchcraft. That is what the word sorcery means now, doesn't matter what it

I don't think you read the entire conversation. I understand that, I was merely pointing out that for balance reasons you cannot give all the abilities to everyone and need to reward players who invest heavily in one tree of the other.

Most exclusive stories aren't official. Its someone on the inside leaking something out to the press. These kinds of stories are the best argument a site can make for why you should choose them over site X. Its been that way for years, even in newspapers. Everyone wants to scoop everyone else, its the way the industry

I don't know if I will ever actually play this. I have already put 47 hours into the game and just arrived at Mel Senshir. I have a feeling that by the end of the main game I may be KoA'd out.

Probably isn't that much work to program another 15 generic fetch/dungeon dive side quests.

I think part of the ease comes from the ridiculous amount of content. If you do every quest you can be almost level 40 by the time you get to Mel Senshir. I know I rolled through Detrye after doing all the Plains of Erathell quests first (but stopping right before the Mel Senshir quest).

There are apparently a few new potion recipes and ingredients including one that mixes oranges and soda water.

Varied character to a point. There also needs to be a reward for players who choose to invest heavily into one (or two) skill trees. You can't just hand out every skill to everyone regardless of investment into the tree.

They have to protect their exclusivity. This isn't like a physical newspaper where they can for the most part control where the image appears. If someone sent these pics to this site only then Kotaku has a right to protect their "exclusive."

Can't be. Everyone knows he was a known Templar.

Dirty Tory.

I attempt to, but every since Brotherhood introduced counter chain kills it is just so much quicker to pull out a sword and mow 6 guys down off the counter.