It isn't a magic tree, its a sorcery tree. The name alone makes it pretty clear it is a spell casting tree.
It isn't a magic tree, its a sorcery tree. The name alone makes it pretty clear it is a spell casting tree.
But that was after the developers had experience with the console. When it first launched it was alien to them and so they continued with what they knew which was the architecture on the PC and 360.
Backwards compatibility probably isn't that big of a deal to them. I remember reading a piece from back when Microsoft decided to stop updating their BC catalog. It basically said the data (mined from Xbox Live use) showed that something like only 1% of the user base was using the backwards compatibility feature. I…
Agreed, console sales generally follow a bell curve. Relatively small initial sales from the early adopters. A huge spike in sales midway through the lifecycle, usually coinciding with a price drop, and then finally as the market becomes saturated and everyone who wants the system already has it the sales again begin…
Makes sense. As much potential as the Cell Processor had it was underutilized by most developers. Almost no one developed games with the PS3 as the lead platform because it was easier to do 360 or PC first and then port it over. The only developers to take advantage of it were those developing exclusives and the…
I have only done 3 members of my team at this point. The other 3 I didn't breed but instead caught several of them in the wild and then compared base stats and IVs until I found the best. It is satisfying though to see the end result.
When I read over this list all the suggestions seem to me like they are intended to strip the game back down to its original Red and Blue version style and that would be a mistake. I played the whole series (with the exception of Diamond and Pearl) and I think the direction Black and White were headed was great.
Its the physics behind the jumping. It felt weird in Ep1 as well. It wasn't a game killer for me like it was for a lot of people, but it definitely takes some getting used to.
Agreed. It was a major step int he right direction for a series that has been lost since the transition into 3D.
I think the biggest issue for sports gaming difficulty is the way the easiest difficulties essentially eliminate the simulation. I know basketball pretty well and understand the X's and O's fairly well but a friend of mine does not. He got NBA 2K12 and began playing. On the lower difficulties you can pretty much play…
There are really only two options: Valve either makes a console that will compete with the other consoles or they make a "Steam box" that will compete with gaming PCs. I think they would be better served competing with the consoles than the PCs. PC people buy their systems for power and the ability to customize and…
A Valve "console" would be intriguing but there are a few issues that would need worked out. First the price point has to be right, the system has to be powerful enough to run Steam's library at a solid framerate and at least mid-level detail and visual settings without blowing the price up to gaming PC levels. I…
It would have to be priced right for me to take the plunge. I would want something at $400 or under and I don't know if they can really do that and still have the hardware to run everything available on Steam.
There were 3 Slayer playlists. There was the unranked Team Slayer list that had no DLC restriction, the regular Team Slayer list which had a DLC restriction (but played a mix of all maps) and then a DLC only Team Slayer list which played only DLC maps. If you wanted to play ranked matches you had to have the DLC.
I have to agree with him. Ultimately consumers decide what will fly in the market and we have collectively agreed that the $10-15 price point for DLC is acceptable and enough people are willing to buy it at that price to make it profitable. There are plenty of options available to those who don't find that price…
Almost all B-sides are simply tracks that they recorded that didn't make it to the album. No band goes into the studio and says "Ok we need 12 songs for the album and then we are done." They go in and record 20 tracks and then decide which ones go on the album. Also to say only concept albums have an overarching story…
I usually wait for 2 reasons: First I just put down $60 for the game. I don't feel ready to part with another $10 for extra content that I may not see for 15-20 hours (and on my schedule that means 2-3 weeks minimum). Secondly I don't want to sink money into DLC for a game I may not want more of. When I got Oblivion…
"Maybe 2 hours," really? Dragon Age, Fallout 3 and New Vegas and Borderlands all had multiple pieces of DLC priced at $10 or below that would take more than 2 hours to complete.
Seriously Halo 3 and Reach weren't mainstream yet? Those games were huge and very much mainstream. Also I think your nostalgia for Halo 2 (and the series in general) had clouded your memory. Halo 2 did restrict many of the non-social playlists including Team Slayer (the most popular) to people who had certain levels…