
Several of those complaints could have been made for WoW at launch and it has done fine for itself. MMOs always need time after launch to figure out what works, what doesn't and what direction it needs to move. Beta testers aren't generally a good group to get feedback from because they usually recommend the hardcore

Going to the trainer is a gold sink, its an important part of balancing the in-game economy same with the speeder transport. It also forces you to stop leveling for a few minutes to travel back and forth. In most games it would be considered padding, but in MMOs, especially at launch padding helps keep players from

Honestly, I played WoW and I play SWTOR now and they feel pretty much the same in terms of combat. I haven't got to far into SWTOR but you can tell they borrowed heavily from WoW for everything from combat to the skill trainers.

The DLC is going to run you way more than $12 if you buy it separately.

Probably won't see an Ultimate edition of DA2. Mass Effect 2 never got one so I don't see why they would give one to medieval Mass Effect.

I think the writing is really good and I felt like I did create a real relationship with the (most) characters, regardless of my intents for their body. While characters like Jacob didn't really have anything special about them, I felt that relationship with Garrus, Thane and Samara. While I didn't feel that same kind

I mean the general concept in most recent BioWare games is that you are still a hero and are going to save the land, its just a question of whether you do it in a reckless success at all costs way or a more compassionate path. On the other side is Bethesda which says yea you can be a hero or you can ignore that main

Again 2 weeks later. You can't always wait 2 weeks for a payday. If you are trading your console for cash I imagine you are doing it because you are desperate for money. And again selling a game on ebay is a lot harder than selling a console, especially this late in the life cycle. There is a reason console sales

Ah, well that still doesn't help me since I want to trade the old 360 at the time I buy the new one. I guess I could pay full price, transfer the HDD and then trade it.

This will never end. I found the new art style appealing and you didn't. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

This is about selling consoles not games. Of course it is easier to sell a popular game. The difficulty is selling a console this late in the life cycle in a market that is pretty saturated.

I have the transfer cable (I had an old 20GB HDD and upgraded to a 250) but I want to be able to trade in the HDD at the same time.

Well I liked them. I would rather look at something original than look at another wannabe Tolkien art style.

I was thinking about doing this with my 360, but mine is still white with a chrome tray. I haven't done much looking admittedly, but what is turning me off is whether or not I can backup the contents of my 250GB HDD to my PC and then transfer it to the new console. I really don't want to have to go through my history

It's convenience and it is actually easier. On ebay you are competing with multiple sellers to have your product sold. I can walk into GameStop with an Xbox 360 and know that they will give me cash. On ebay it may be weeks or months before the system sells and I get paid.

I will forever argue that while DA2's graphics were a little ugly on the technical aspect at least it had a distinctive style. You saw a screen of DA2 and knew what game you were looking at. Origins was some of the most generic high fantasy art out there.

You do understand that BioWare comprises six separate studios right? BioWare Austin was formed specifically to develop an MMO (which would later become SWTOR). BioWare Victory was a studio originally formed by EA to continue the C&C series. EA then decided to move the studio under the BioWare brand name. Two mostly

Don't forget the built in DVD support.

No its a media platform. Go back to what the company was saying before launch. Microsoft has always intended for the 360 to be the only box you need in your living room, to handle all your entertainment needs. It has just taking a lot longer than they expected to push it to that point.

Steve Jobs didn't have the power to make those decisions even if he wanted to. Do you really think the Apple Board of Directors and its shareholders would let Jobs cut any amount out of their bottom line?