
You do realize multiplayer used to be a standard part of BioWare RPG's right?

How about the fact that their early D&D games all had multiplayer, and some a very robust multiplayer. It isn't like they haven't added multiplayer to their dark fantasy RPGs before (and now they have even more resources).

I actually prefer that my fiancee doesn't game (except for stuff like the occasional round of Mario Party of some Animal Crossing now and again). Gaming is one of those things that is something that I can do without her and you really need to have those activities that you do in your own time rather than doing

I always liked Gears of War and Borderlands both for couch co-op.

This seems like some of the worst DLC since Horse Armor. 2 Challenge maps and a new character for $7 seems like a lot. While I certainly don't think the game has room for anymore single player content (I felt the story ending felt pretty final) I don't know who would actually buy this content, especially when the

The Elder Scrolls 23: Hey guys FYI there is like a main questline in this game

I expect it will appear on XBLA, but I expect another wait before it finally does.

Bethesda games are massive. Even with testers it would take literally thousands or tens of thousands of man hours to find every glitch and bug hidden away in the game. Sure some like this shouldn't make it to retail, but testers can't find half the problems a million or so players will find.

I wish there was a bit more about the Spec Ops missions here. That is likely the tipping point on the scale for me as far as whether I buy the game or not. Can someone who has it and has played them tell me how they stack up to the MW2 ones? I loved the variety, with some focusing on stealthy snipers, assaults on

ZOMG you like a game I don't therefore I will question your journalistic integrity.

Counter-Strike is slow paced? Requires calm and concentration? All CS requires is being able to twitch fire, and if you can do it with the AWP you are nigh unstoppable.

Oh snap!

Think about what happens when you go into a game store and see the shelves full of games. You probably haven't played most of them so you look around for a title or box to catch your eye. You pick it up, check out the back of the box and then make a decision about whether or not you are going to buy it. Gut Check is a

I think the point of gut check is to mimic what we go through in our local game store (or games section depending on where you shop). That moment where you see something on the shelf and you pick it up, check out the back of the box and then try to decide if it is something you really want to buy.

If you never played Halo: CE then you should most definitely buy this, as it will no doubt be the definitive version of the game. It still holds up surprisingly well after 10 years and almost singlehandedly ushered in the modern console FPS.

My friends and I actually used to do exactly that (print the cards and put them in holders). We set a limit for the number of prints we could have in a deck (both number and distribution, usually it was 10 prints 5 common, 3 uncommon, 2 rare) and it worked out really well and balanced out for the most part.

I quit playing Pokemon for the same reason I stopped playing Magic; after a certain point there were just too many rules and set-specific gimmicks going that the game became way too complicated and the new cards were made to be way more powerful than the older ones, to force you to buy in if you wanted to stay

I don't take any offense and find that joke to be pretty funny. It made me lol.

I actually met my fiancee at a party where Guitar Hero was being played. I am pretty good at guitar music games (90% or better on all songs on expert) and was playing against some friends. Although she is terrible at every other game she has ever touched she was the only person who could keep up with me in Guitar Hero

EA, the company that funded and published Battlefield, compared their game to CoD. Ultimately EA sees CoD as a direct competitor and therefore it is reasonable to compare BF3 to MW3.