I would watch the shit out of that.
I would watch the shit out of that.
I would add that much of Labour and its supporters do want a second referendum and have been growing increasingly frustrated with Corbyn’s refusal to fully support one - he has said that he will under specific circumstances, but his heart clearly isn’t in it. I’m usually a Labour voter but I voted for the Green Party…
A minority of Labour MPs are with Corbyn on that, even his deputy doesn’t agree. The best result would be a general election with someone else leading Labour into it on a second referendum platform. Unfortunately Corbyn isn’t going anywhere, which is a real shame as Labour is the natural home for remain (along with…
To be fair, I don’t think this actually influenced any Conservative MPs to vote against the bill that wouldn’t have otherwise. They had been threatened with being chucked out of the party (which is now being followed through) so it was too big a decision to be based on something like this. But it certainly didn’t help…
The very same!
Rotherham is 85.6% White British according the latest census, you absolute fucking moron.
It’s worth remembering that Trump’s great pal Boris Johnson was Mayor of London from 2008-2016. You know, the current leader of the Conservative Party, who have been setting national crime policy for the past decade. The knife crime problem didn’t suddenly spring up in the last three years, did it?
Well said. I’ve lived in London all my life and never once have I felt “afraid to walk the streets” and neither has anyone I know. Sure there’s crime, like in any major city, but the idea that we’re all cowering indoors is nonsense.
Jesus Christ, talk about too little too late.
Perhaps there’s a specific name for that trope (and maybe someone reading this can educate me)
Here is every conservative joke in existence, circa 2014:
In a sense, yes, but it’s copyright infringement which would be a matter for the civil courts. He’d could sue I suppose, but much easier and cheaper to make copyright claims on the videos, which should get them taken down by the platforms and the users banned if they persist. In any case, filming without permission is…
So while deal with them if you don’t have to? Why choose to perform in front of a demographic you hate? He flat out said he didn’t need the money.
Press charges? Surely that’s a civil matter, not criminal.
Funny but a jag. Nobody that takes themselves so painfully seriously can ever be truly funny. That guy wasn’t even close.
It happened to KFC here in the UK. They switched from the specialist food delivery company they had been using to DHL, who immediately shit the bed leaving 600 branches out of chicken and closed for at least a couple of weeks.
Oh really, the characters in this show about horrible people fighting for control of a Rupert Murdoch-style media empire are flawed? What a take!
But this show paints every article, show, movie, and every other thing published as if the Roys are the editors of it.
He definitely says his tweets out loud while he’s typing them. When he uses all caps it’s because he’s LITERALLY SHOUTING.