
I might actually agree with you here, if you weren’t so obviously a cunt.

But Bobby, you don't know anyone in the ocean!

My favourite is the sorceress called Castaspella.

We get it. They don’t.

This is a broadcast of a new 38 disc boxset which collects pretty much all of the audio recorded at the event. Andy Zax, whose baby this immense project is, was a guest on The Best Show last month:

One Man’s Lies

When I worked for a child protection charity, periodically I’d have to deal with dozens or hundreds of people flooding our social channels with reposts of videos of child abuse. Invariably, it would be an old video of someone hitting a child from many years ago - old cases in which the abuser had been tracked down and

Only if you set up a GoFundMe promising backers you’ll livestream the event.

Where’s your concern over what Disney is doing with the Star Wars franchise? You’re all hot and bothered about abortion, but I don’t see you speaking up about how disappointing Solo was. What a hypocrite.

When I interviewed for my current job as a moderator on a news site, I used Kinja as an example of a poor community system. Communities should have a clear set of written standards that binds both users and mods. There is a total lack of transparency here. How do you get ungreyed? Why do you get regreyed? No one

Parentheses within parentheses- also on-brand.

There you go, you’re big Robert Heinlein fan. Seems absolutely on-brand for you.

There’s so much to unpack.

Oh I ‘grok’ exactly what you’ve been up to (and it is so, so telling that you would use that term).

Pure sophistry.

They viewed slavery as taking people captive and forcing them to work on pain of death. They were okay with that because they were enslaving black people who they viewed as inferior to the point of being subhuman. They were racists who promoted a racist ideology to justify the practice of slavery. They used their


I added to my reply above after posting, but I’ll reiterate - you cannot view a person as your personal property and at the same time view that person as your equal. This is true on a personal, human level as well as a legal one. Surely you can see that?

Slavery isn’t an exchange of labour for room and board, for fuck’s sake. It’s keeping someone captive and forcing them to work for you on pain of death. Again, you're pretending not to understand.

It’s self-evident. If one person owns another as property, how can the owner view that person as an equal? An owned person cannot be said to be on equal footing with his or her owner, because the owner has rights which the owned person lacks. You cannot view a person as your property and at the same time view that