I guess that's where drinking during the day on a Wednesday will get you.
I guess that's where drinking during the day on a Wednesday will get you.
What could possibly be confusing about that?
It’s the icing on the fake.
“I’m not racist, I’ve got slave friends.”
The mental gymnastics the guy went through to back up his original assertion would be quite impressive if this wasn’t all so chilling.
Logic though is if an gouvenment can dictate what parts of your body have to be covered then the same applies to what has to be not covered.
In some african cultures it is very common that woman walk around barechested, it would be rather odd for them to wear anything above waist because way to hot and it was always that way, while in most parts in the US the same would cause an meltdown of epic proportions.
I just don’t think the state should be in the business of deciding which items of clothing people should or shouldn’t be allowed wear. It sounds very authoritarian. You can’t force people to be ‘educated and empowered’ by arresting and prosecuting them. You become the very thing you're supposedly fighting against.
Well said.
Since when do we ban things because they’re silly ideas? If someone chooses to wear something that dehumanizes them, they’re harming no one but themselves (unless you count making others mildly uncomfortable as harm), so why force them to stop? At best, it seems like a huge waste of time for the police and courts to…
I don’t disagree. To your original point: I actually have interacted a couple of times with women wearing the niqab (face veil) and I didn’t like it all if I’m honest. I was polite, but I wouldn’t have chosen to spend a moment longer in their company that I had to - not least because it gives off a strong signal that…
I think that’s a really interesting perspective.
I get that, and I didn’t mean to suggest that it isn’t ultimately a symbol of repression. I just think the article is interesting because it goes into why young women in the West are now wearing them when in many cases their mothers don’t - and may not even approve. I’d always assumed it was something required by the…
I suppose you think refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is equal to murdering homosexuals...
It seemed very much like you were simply responding to the quote. If you actually read the whole article and still thought it was equivalent to “an article from Cosmo about how FGM is chic”...well I don’t even see how that’s possible to be honest.
I’m not a fan of religion either. I’m not trying to defend the practice of wearing the Hijab, just pointing out that the motivation for doing so might be more complex than people realise.
You’re confused. The Hijab is a headscarf. It doesn’t cover one’s face.
Did you read the article? The author isn’t saying it’s objectively cool, she’s reflecting how the wearers feel about it. The point is that it generally isn’t imposed upon them by their parents - it’s much more complicated than that. You really shouldn’t respond to a post unless you’ve read the material presented.
Because not a one would have chosen it of their own will without their parents/guardians brainwashing them.