It’s OK for people to say they just don’t like the ending. You’re not obligated to like every part of something.
It’s OK for people to say they just don’t like the ending. You’re not obligated to like every part of something.
Hey you can’t talk Frasier Crane, I heard they are trying to pointlessly revive your show to kill off any residual affection people had for you.....
Let it all out, man.
Seem that the regular AV Club commenters here in this article are rightly trashing her real good despite here being a PoC. Work on your troll-fu sensei.
Hate to be a pain in the arse, but it’s Ukraine, not the Ukraine. I believe Ukrainians prefer the former - firstly because that’s the actual name of the country, but also that ‘the Ukraine’ has connotations of it being a province of another country (ie. Russia/USSR), rather than a nation in it’s own right.
Just say “both sides” next time it’s quicker than writing all this handwringing nonsense. This commenter’s history includes -”No, because everyone knows deep down Biden is senile and has no chance”
If you want the targeted thing to go away, it’s “the marketplace of ideas in action.”
They’re really going to say you can’t teach facts in school now?
God, remember that? Nowadays it’s crickets all the way down.
You know who was really good at criticizing Christianity? Christ! And the early Christians!
States Rights are SACRED!
FYI, you are responding to a known troll who impersonates the real dremiliolizardo. He keeps getting banned than creating another burner account. I think the good Dr. would appreciate it if you flagged and dismissed him.
I thought less of “Mad Men” than the showrunners having everyone literally take the red pill with all the lack of subtlety this show has descended into. (The Godfather oranges homage/rip-off was the low point so far.)
This is fucking insane.
She should have had the name written on a piece of tape on the back of her gavel: “This morning I was driving down... route 401 . And I thought they could rock at the University of Connecticut. But nobody rocks like... [looks at back of gavel] the University of Rhode Island!”
...citation needed?
“You can take my ass when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!”
Of course. Some are though, especially those that have officers coming around to ask stores to shut down.
Well the word on the streets is “Well they have to make an attempt to try to keep this store open.