Burn no longer, for “third person” is entirely correct.
Burn no longer, for “third person” is entirely correct.
It’s actually not. Second person would be “you don’t have a plane”.
All true enough. I didn’t mean to suggest that I was disturbed by fanfiction - it’s no crazier or less benign than my own hobby of making chiptune music on a gameboy.
Fair enough, sorry to snap at you. For what it’s worth, I find people who are “into” porn to be pretty weird too.
Jesus Christ, it was just a throwaway remark like “Eagles fans are crazy”. I’m sure fan fiction writers were really upset though, and appreciate your passionate defence of their art.
“If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them.”- John Waters
My example would be the equivalent of a porn film that went on for several days though. You would have to be a bit crazy to make or even consume something like that.
Or like that other Stephen King ‘adaptation’ The Lawnmover Man, where they took a pre-existing script called Cyber God and just stuck in a lawnmower in there somewhere.
I have to google new members’ screen names on a forum I moderate, as it’s for kids and we need to make sure they’re staying anonymous. This leads me to some weird places sometimes. I once found a smutty Twilight fanfic story which, according to the word count displayed on the site, was longer than the Twilight series…
It finally disappeared from the header a while ago, and now it’s back. I’m pretty sure this is at least the second time that’s happened too.
The higher you build your barriers / The taller I become...
The struggle is real.
I’m shocked that people don’t recognise that if you’re even asking a woman (that you’re not already sexually involved with) if you can expose yourself or masturbate in front of her you have already behaved in a completely inappropriate way. What kind of fucked up question is that?
The point is that there are many, many other comedians that are as funny or funnier than Louis CK. Those examples are specific to whylime’s taste, but surely there are lots of comedians that you like just as much as CK, and surely that’s true of almost everyone on the planet.
Yup, there’s more good comedy out there than most of us even have time to watch or listen to. I really liked Louis C.K.’s stuff, but his absence doesn’t leave any sort of void in my life.
And you think they gave their permission because they genuinely wanted to watch an unattractive middle aged man jerk off in front of them, do you? Honestly, what are the odds of finding two women in the same place at the same time that would actually want to see that? What’s in it for them?
What about devolution as opposed to federalism in U.K. politics? Is the concept of a devolved Scottish assembly based on erroneous assumptions of scientific fact?
It may well have no place in biology, but we’re not talking about biology in this thread. In fact this isn’t a scientific debate in any way, so there is no need to restrict ourselves to scientific language. Which is not to say that I agree with Andrew, I don’t.
This is purely a guess, but I wonder if you could make subtle changes to hit detection which could give you an edge without being too obvious.