
The walking internet comments section? I don’t associate Trump with walking, or any kind of physical motion beyond waving his little hands around. He’s more accurately an internet comments section being driven around in a golf cart.

All day and tomorrow.

I’ve got to say, I don’t really understand that part at all. So after finding out that LEOs are corrupt, he wants to spend more time with them? Or does he think that he’s going to somehow help to clean up the NYPD by working as a prison guard?

He was “observed swaying” apparently. Cops often seem employ these kinds of weird passive constructions in their reports. Observed by whom? You? So just say “I saw him swaying” or better yet “he was swaying”. When people won’t speak plain English, it’s kind of a giveaway that they’re bullshitting.

Hmm, so you’re saying our tax dollars are being wasted on a wall? Maybe NYC should try to get Mexico to pay for it instead.

I cast Melf’s Acid Arrow. 

Where’s my comment? Do I have to start adding a goddamn ‘/s’ to even the most painfully obvious of sarcasm? Because I’m not sure I can bring myself to do that.

God forbid a black man should be angry in public.

‘Whatever happened to the ¢ sign’ is wrong about that, but I still don’t see anything in his comment that suggests that he’s an addict, especially considering he said he used to take nicotine but stopped years ago. Or is it caffeine that he’s supposed to be addicted to? I don’t get VagueAbsolutes response at all, and

She’ll be fine - she’s had loads of practice.

So if he had an agenda or cared about anything, and wasn’t a completely self-serving delusional racist idiot who has been co-opted by industry cronies while also having his strings pulled by Russians, then he could be a really great president.

I still have this on my phone and play if from time to time. It’s so horribly awkward that you find yourself leaning to the side and pressing hard on the screen as you try to force the game to bend to your will. It’s horrible and wonderful.

Let’s face it, few people go anywhere for statues. Statuary is a niche interest at best.

Worst gimmick account ever.

Fair point.

How dare that old man get his blood on that nice expensive floor!

“I really believe I’d run...”

Whitey is evil and all white people should be ashamed and held accountable?

There are so many ways that a white guy can get away with killing a black person in circumstances like this, and this guy squandered them all by calling 911, apparently trying to ensure his own conviction before he even pulled the trigger. If you’re planning to kill someone and get away with it, maybe don’t tell the

I’m trying to give you a moral compass. You have no moral compass. You’re going to walk into that courtroom, and the jury’s going to see a mean, nasty, evil Chad Copley. I want them to see Perry Como. No one’s going to convict Perry Como.