
He probably thinks that all though they didn’t have actual physical guns, they were black and therefore armed and dangerous in some figurative sense. And although they weren’t revving their engines as such, it’s the sort of thing they do if you give them half a chance. So you can see how he felt threatened, and that

Only posh wanker like Morgan would consider John Oliver’s Birmingham accent “thick”.

From what fellow Brits have said to me, people find his tweets about football amusing and follow him for that reason, even if they don’t actually like him as such. That seems like a terrible reason to follow such a fucking twat to me, but there you go.

Reminds me of this:

Yes, I mean, if all he means by “not universal” is that not all music follows the rules of Western music - well no shit, Sherlock.

Different cultures may have developed different musical systems (which is hardly news, is it?), but they generally incorporate natural harmonic relationships. Music from other cultures may sound unfamiliar, but it is usually recognizable as music, at the very least. Musical styles from all over the world have been

Do kids still use that word? “Cool”?

Makes sense. Just keep adding more and more guns to every location and every situation until everyone is dead. No more problems.

Oh I see. Well that fucking dumb, isn’t it? Really, really fucking dumb.

Oh man I am enjoying this. I thought I wanted him to go away, but now I’ve realized I’d rather he stuck around so I can watch him sink lower and lower.

These days it takes just the one engineer and a copy of Melodyne, but yes.

Sorry, that should read “tabs aren’t super-common...”

I think it was a bar/tab situation rather than a sit down meal, so maybe “dine and dash” wasn’t strictly the correct term. In the UK we mostly pay at the bar when we order and tabs are super-common, so I can totally understand forgetting that you haven’t already paid, especially if drunk. 

Time to stare at myself in the mirror wondering if I look as old as those guys do.

The band’s weeklong stint at South America’s SUE and Soundhearts Festivals coincides with this year’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony, something its members couldn’t care less about.

A colleague of mine actually did dine and dash, quite by accident, last week. A member of staff stopped her outside, assuming that it was just a mistake. My colleague confirmed this and was embarrassed, and they both laughed about it on the way back inside. But then, my colleague is white.

Wow, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone fly off the handle for something as minor as this. Jesus. 

I agree with your position on guns absolutely, and I’d love to see them all banned and taken away from the dude you’re arguing with. But actually you’re the one in this thread that is making it all about himself. This is one of the most jaw-dropping displays of histrionics I have ever seen online, and that’s really

But in that case I was pissed, because we all know that Slash has the voice of an angel.

Either that or he sat there repeatedly embarrassing himself on purpose for no other reason than to cause discomfort to total strangers. It’s possible, but distinctly unlikely.