
You and me both.

He who articulated it, particulated it.

“We asked this famous bass guitar player to perform a song, and he performed it on the bass guitar! What the hell!”

Ideally, yes.

Yes indeed. He only kept it a secret at first because he thought if Princess Carolyn knew he had a kid she wouldn’t want to be with him, because kids always make a racket when mommies are trying to do their homework for night school.

This is the kind of pedantry up with which I will not put.

Paul brothers, take note.

Or calling the guy at the office to take the car to the place.

But remember that Bojack repeatedly insists that it’s kids in a coat and no one ever listens to him. His frustration over this is my favourite thing about it.

If I may quote some early Dizzy Rascal:

Even better.

Instead of summer camp they could do a tour of duty in Afghanistan.

...would a rocket launcher be going too far, you think?

First period: Bullet Time class

Wait, they don’t train you to catch bullets in the air and throw them back at the assailant? Pff, what good it is that?

We had a school shooting here in the UK once. Just the one, mind. After that handguns were banned and there has never been another, touch wood. But I’m told that would never work over there because of a whole bunch of reasons, not one of which bears a moment’s examination. I know I’m preaching to the choir with most

You Take Away Guns, And Someone’s Just Gonna Invent, Manufacture, And Use A High-Powered Knife Launcher

Prepare to get flamed? You’re a little late to the party.

Thanks, that clears that right up. And you’re right, no one would genuinely interpret that sentence that way, meaning that Hannity is being even more disingenuous than I thought. Big shock there.