
Indeed. My immediate reaction upon reading the headline was “Sean Hannity thinks a lotta things.”

Yeah, here and there. I was a big fan too, and the guitar sounds and some of the production still sounds good. Great drumming too. A lot of the songwriting and lyrics just come across as hilariously pompous to me now though - and oh man, that voice! How did I ever enjoy that guy’s voice? It sounds like someone putting

Yeah, let’s not.

I have no idea how you got any of that from my comment, but if you want to lie in a bathtub full of baked beans to raise money for charity then...sure, go for it, I guess?

You’ll be utterly stunned when you realise that hyperbole is often used for comic effect!!

You don’t think it was maybe tongue-in-cheek, no?

That’s true of any era. I grew up watching Top of the Pops here in Britain from the late 80's onward and the majority of acts who ‘performed’ on that show because they had charted have been utterly forgotten. Nothing in this era is more vapid than Rednex - ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ or ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Deep Blue

To pick a random example, you think that ‘Small Town Boy’ by Bronski Beat sounds inhuman?

All that cartoon is missing is the Statue of Liberty weeping in the background.

Wow, you really are furious.

Subscriptions to what?

We said, “Mate, why don’t you get some lager and lime, some shepherd’s pie, and take an hour-and-a-half and relax a little bit.”

Yes, and he should absolutely poke Kim Jong-un in the stomach as hard as he possibly can, ideally in a way that could be interpreted as an assassination attempt.

You’re right, that must be what happened. But whereas I’m sure you and your relatives had a very good reason for what you did, what could the motivation be here? Taking everything of value, including ripping out any copper wire or whatever - I can see that. But were all the materials the house was composed of valuable

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people? I’ve had the greys open since I first saw you mention this above, in case further flagging was needed. The good news is all of the imposter comments seem to have been removed by the time I got here.

I like the way you think.

I’m strictly anti-death penalty, so hoping for his execution makes me a hypocrite. But hey, nobody’s perfect, right?