

Glad I didn't receive that (blatantly fake) memo... would have taken me at least two weeks to decrypt.

They threw her in an orange jumpsuit for shoplifting?! Wonder if they shackled her ankles too?

I thought the same thing. Coincidence?

We need an internationally recognized copyright on nukes!

This is purely an imaginary scenario, but how do you think we would react if North Korea used the rocket simply as a threat? In other words, what if they just shot an empty stage three rocket at us with no warhead? Would we retaliate by removing them from the globe? Or would this turn into a really bad game of chicken?

You're absolutely right. I also believe this littering of suggested possibilities by the media is just pandering to fear mongering. It's absurd how we consistently insert ourselves into other countries affairs. I would certainly assume that North Korea would target South Korea before taking on a much more sizable

I look at it this way... it will be tragic if it hits the US. But in the unlikely instance that it does, North Korea will be reduced to a pile of dust in just under 72 hours.

Goddamn. Sarcasm motherfucker... it was sarcasm.

Seven rounds and only one dead dog? This guy is dubbed a gun expert? He's making a tactical shooter?

Exactly what I was thinking.

"...working with the organization, as well as NASA and Scripps, he designed and built the electric-powered Deepsea Challenger..."

That was the shits... the drizzling shits.

Sabu disapproves.

"[3/2/12 11:02:29 AM] sambiddle: hey, still there?"

Guy has a hairy elbow-pit.

The gleaming problem with the Gizmodo review was it's comparison of the Vita to smartphones. I've read several reviews that opt to compare handheld gaming platforms to smartphones... and it just doesn't hold up.

Goddammit. It's a handheld gaming platform, not a fucking smartphone. These comparison reviews are getting a bit ridiculous.

I could never player my NES carts on my SNES, or my SNES carts on my N64... and so-on. If I wanted to play NES carts, I would use my NES. Same goes for the PS3... my slim won't play PS2, so if I want to play PS2 games, I break out the PS2. Why should this be any different with the Vita? "Back in the day," when a new

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