
Qudoba has better burritos and, unlike Chipotle, the guacamole is free with a burrito.

The bizarre “tell” on this one is “Langdon” is spelled with an “e”. It’s like the spam e-mail of trolling.

No, I just miss being able to block them

No, that really is fake. MrsLangdonAlger decided to leave AV Club before the Kinja migration; the guy posting in her name is just making a bunch of generic “SJW” statements as an act of trolling.

Great, another fake troll account. Get a life.

For a minute, this almost tempted me to join Twitter. Then I thought better of it.

It’s like the comments section on Disqus, except each thread has an end where you get the option to read more or move on to the next thread. As opposed to scrolling past hundreds of worthless replies to get to the next actual comment on the article.

As an AV club lurker, I think Kinja is vastly superior. I can’t tell you how many time I checked the Disqus comments on AV Club, hoping for good discussion of a show or movie, only to find a cascading circle jerk of inane “jokes” by the same 5 people. One guy says something supposedly funny in response to a comment,

It’s a strange hill for those people to die on.

Dwarf only screening of Willow!

Kids today.