
I’m just use to seeing MLA on the avacado.

My bad, carry on.

New to these parts, are we?

I was a bit sad to see some long term commenters just cutting bait before the switch (at least claiming they were gone), so I certainly lament that, probably more than the format change.

Oh, I agree that this made financial sense to make the change. However I would disagree with you about the staff at the AV Club. They do give a shit about us commenters. Their overlords, probably not so much.

Well they should. We click on the adverts and bring them money. Without us, they make less. Besides this used to be a great commenting community. Doesn’t seem to be as much any more.

I don’t post much here but I really used to like reading comments. Now the comments sections are a freakin’ nightmare to figure out. I’m with you on the frustration. I hoping that a couple of weeks will allow me to get used to the new format but I’m not holding my breath.

Beat me to it!

ZMF? Is that you?

Finally, a use for the crural body region!

I read this as "just a Hulk Hogan fat growing up." Made sense in context of the picture.

It's simple: just tell Echo Look you're colorblind, put on whatever the hell you want and be done with it.

Who wears pants on the internet?

Time to tell your staff to get off your lawn

comment/name synergy?

Umm, "Country Crack"?

Hey, "Gold and Soft" was my college girlfriend's nickname for me!

The Guess Who?

Wait, I thought we all had RYAN REYNOLDS tattooed on our assess. So, just me and this kid then?
