Maybe he's not going because he's having his hair washed
Maybe he's not going because he's having his hair washed
Great. Got to wait three years for his pet Mexican to lose his job
Trump strikes again
Ringo actually lives in his own world
Ringo not even best drummer on that album
In Trumps Russia. ..
In other news
Any excuse to publish a Trump story. Get your act together AV Club.
In the land of circumcision, all I can advise is to avoid the onion rings
Thanks Trump
Will Kevin Smith be typecast as a fat guy again
Damn you Ticketmaster. Keeping me Hanging On The Telephone
The shows improved afterwards though. She always knew she was talentless.
So Don Pardo didn't die in vain
And take Cosby with you
Only one way to decide
You had me at long and hard
American killers. Best in the world