

Thought she was Kelly Ann Conway with that red hat

No. If only there was somewhere we could find out iif that is true

Have they made Mandingo 2 yet?

Obama is looking for new role

Is there enough time to get Trump to pay her for his inauguration?

Thanks Obama.

Thanks Obama

As my name isn't asianmetallic I can wholeheartedly approve of Harvey's original view.

Trebek:"what is 69?"
Sean Connery: "your mothers favourite number"

Thanks Obama

The butler did it

I would have been first but I really needed to pee

The next White House Correspondents dinner will be interesting

And Ye is olde word for The. So technically they are called The S.

Is this one of those spoof stories the Onion is famous for?

I was in the mood to fly over for a Chipotle but if my dollars are going into her grasping mitts then I'll just stay home and get my diarrhea via local Indian takeaway

From a can on a piece of string near you…

Mormons read AV Club!!!

Did Kool Aid ever sue over that?