NEWS FLASH Guy who used to be on SNL doesn't rap.
NEWS FLASH Guy who used to be on SNL doesn't rap.
TJ Miller resurrects TJ Booker would be better
YOU'RE racist
looks like will not be wearing clothes for this one
Never heard of her, must be AVClub staffers wet dream
The KKK approve of your sentiments
Cards, in a McDonald's? What happened to the good old days when if you wanted a McDonald's, you'd find a hobo and mug him, pay using those nickels and dimes they seem to collect
Spy film has record for biggest explosion? The pinto scene in Top Secret
You expect me to talk?
Take it with all this bad-mouthing, Craig's honeymoooooon period is over
This is going to sound strange, but I genuinely haven't heard much from Trump past couple of weeks
There, fixed
Franz Oberhauser is Blofeld in Spectre.
FFS why? Is he down to his last £100,000,000?
We get the new Bond film before the Americans, May even watch it again
Franz Oberhauser is Blofeld.
Picturing Ned Flanders wriggling in a skin-tight ski suit
He may have made four billion, but how much has he lost?
Are the makers of Barbie suing for presenters looking like their doll?