to be fair with Cristiano Ronaldo and his Cristiano-Ronaldo-ness, they should’ve just added a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo himself. that’s how you out-Cristiano-Ronaldo everything in life.
hahahhahha air bnb stadium
If we give him a guitar, does he reveal himself to be James Dolan?
I’m with you, Tom. Fuck Joe McDonald, and fuck the new PawSox ownership.
The proposed site for the new ballpark in Pawtucket, at the former Apex department store, would have been the epicenter for the economic renewal and real estate development in downtown Pawtucket.
So what you’re saying is that Rhode Island’s offer to the PawSox was a bad deal for taxpayers, but another city’s offer was even Worcester?
I’m a Bears fan who was more or less a Jay apologist and that clip shown here about him finally learning oral sex for Kristen slayed me.
I’d like to think the number they offered, 38 was a deliberate fuck you to all things Red Sox related.
there is something truly, deeply funny about the Chargers moving to LA, expecting to be the hip, new cool kid and then getting blasted off the face of the Earth by the Rams—a cooler team playing in a better venue--almost immediately. They were tired of being also-rans in the second-city in the SoCal market, so they…
Dean Spanos is basically James Dolan without a guitar and yet is somehow a bigger dipshit.
Damn, shouldn’t watch that so early, haven’t had coffee yet and now I have to redo my makeup.
Popular YouTuber Tom “ProSyndicate” Cassell just wants to own a flamethrower. Or well, technically it’s a “Not A…
Did Brady Quinn’s ex-girlfriend stitch this abortion?
this is the most irritating Irish/Yankee crossover since goddamn Paul O’Neill
Losing a team...Twice, is rough. I don’t wish it on anyone. What really hurt later about the Rams move is my friends in L.A. crowing about it on Facebook when I knew for a fact that only one of them was originally from L.A. (they were from all over) and now they were saying they were “All in!” on the Rams and posing…
As a crew fan, thank you for the best laugh I will get today.
They have the highest payroll.
The league has always been a joke - it’s just more visible now.
I am eagerly awaiting US Soccer’s next USMNT game in Columbus (and yes, they ARE that stupid, thank you). The USMNT might just be the road team that night...