
Yeah but no one here watched it. That is on the rest of the country

If Tim Tebow had skipped media day to attend class, this guy’s erection would still be going strong:

Or we could just cancel conference media days altogether because when you add up all the conferences and all the stories by all the sportswriters who attend all the conference media days the end result is nothing the least bit useful or interesting. The fact that Bryce Love plans to attend medical school might be the

We found him, it’s the one guy who uses “stanch” correctly! Get him!

Try to envision Tim Tebow in his heyday skipping SEC Media Days of because (sic), well, school. Right or wrong, that wouldn’t have happened. The need to better himself, the conference and his school would have outstripped another summer school lecture.

It’s just like my dad always says: [three minute voicemail of car noises and talk radio muffled by his pocket]

“Remember, every commissioner’s job since Bud Selig took over is to do what the wealthy guys want, nothing more, nothing less”

I know Roger Goodell get rightfully derided on a regular basis for being a dead-eyed goon, and it’s pretty easy to reach back into the old Gary Bettman pool whenever the itch arises, but man, I wish Manfred got more scrutiny from the media than he does.

I once dated a girl named Brie. She was... she was quite lithe, mm, yes.

I remember seeing the first Mission Impossible in theaters and being completely blown away by that high speed train set piece. Oh, little 10Cities, you hadn’t seen anything.

Honestly, I’m surprised this series keeps paying off dividends, but I’m also pretty glad it does.

I get what ursine. 

feed her to a bear

The nation has to deal with cocky Philadelphia fans because of this bullshit.  He committed treason. 

That’s a fair point. On the other hand, I heard of a taxi driver in NYC who shot up a bordello to rescue a teenage Jodie Foster. 

The New York Daily News was not killed by a fucking market correction. Sinclair Media is not a fucking market correction. Peter fucking Thiel is not a fucking market correction. Fuck off with this “well, that’s just how it is” bullshit. This is a goddamn siege, and takes like this are how we’re losing it.

This is basically the same thing that happened to Norman Osborne, only if the Green Goblin was a racist, sexual assaulting dickwad who threw shitty pizza at people.

I wish Meghan had some family on her mom’s side who were decent, supportive people to counterbalance the insanity of her dad’s family. A kind cousin who was a confidant who she could go shopping with or something (like the Pippa to Kate). It must be so difficult doing it all alone with her mom all the way in LA

+1 Ken Starr

The contrast between pro and college football coaches is striking. McVay can recall specific plays, but Art Briles can’t even remember the names of the players/sex offenders on his teams…

McVay doesn’t forget much. It’s that simple.