A Police Lineup
A Police Lineup
The first two are really straight-forward. Shit gets hard to process in 3, and I can only imagine what 4 is going to be like since they probably feel an underlying need to out-crazy The End of Evangelion.
Anno... Anno explains it.
That would certainly be ideal.
As with Trump, I am truly amazed by the level of incompetence at the highest levels of the NFL. It’s one thing to disagree with an organization or even to think that its executives are outright evil; it’s staggering to think that the leaders of the most profitable sports league in the world aren’t even smart.
Ironic that now, however briefly, it will now be Melo who will be on a team that doesn’t want him and prefers to keep Jeremy Lin.
So it’ll take Melo three moves to get where he wants to go. That’s a surprising level of efficiency from him.
Got about 8 minutes into my marriage before calling her “my WIFE” in the Borat voice.
a functional power grid?
I think New York could use a 2nd professional team.
I am as dialed into sports as any other average 33 y/o male, and I had never once heard or even read that name until this very article.
Calling the cops here isn’t as bad as calling the cops for setting a hard screen in a pickup basketball game, but it might be close.
No, you dumbasses are supporting Toronto FC, not Toronto FD.
I am calling 130% bullshit on that Q Score thing. There is no way 1 in 5 Americans know who Kenneth Faried is. He played 14 minutes a game last year for a team in the Mountain Time Zone. You’re telling me that 66 million people hear the name Kenneth Faried and go, “oh yeah, Murray State, dreadlocks, Nuggets!”? For…
Also, Alyssa Barrett doesn’t actually like me and will get back with her boyfriend by the end of the summer.
Why are they so quick to defend owners over players? Doesn’t seem that complicated to me, it’s really a black-and-white situation.
Remember this the next time someone complains about how players need to learn a thing or two about loyalty.
To be fair, the focus of his ads is to reach his home market, and that alone is an upstream battle.