
I can appreciate a journalist who’s dedicated to their beat, but the election has been pretty thoroughly covered.

Hey, I’ve got the Jonze/Cunningham/Gondry one too! The Gondry one was such a classic to put on after getting high

The Spike Jonze music video collection was one of my favorite DVDs - not just as something hip to put on in the background at parties, but also because it caught me up on what happened to Fat Lip from the Pharcyde. And yeah, he’s easily one of the greats when it comes to taking giant corporations’ money and making

Had that a number of times when I was a kid. No faster way to quit the nose picking habit...what was weird is it didn’t help. I was in my late teens before I finally got clear of it all. And I had a procedure done to my nose at one point too.

Me too. Woke up and couldn’t open my eyes cause they were crusted shut with blood.

I wonder what the Venn diagram of “people who think welfare is for lazy losers” and “people who think paying college athletes based on market value is unfair to less skilled athletes” looks like.

I can’t fathom why MLS is supporting this move unless they believe Crew fans are suddenly going to shift allegiance to FC Cincinnati. They are probably going to lose both fan bases.

Do something good for the kids

I’m not sure John Calipari can afford to pay both freshmen and sophomores.

They’re ways for universities, many of whom are in mid-sized cities without professional sports, to make money and, I don’t want to make you faint or anything, but Universities often engage in commercial enterprises.

I honestly don’t see the move to Austin being successful, particularly if it’s dependent on public funds and/or significant tax breaks. The last time companies (Uber/Lyft) tried to strong arm Austinites into doing something, the voters basically told them to go fuck themselves.

Ever wake up with blood on your sheets?

I hope this goes somewhere, although Neil DeMause at seems to think it might not. (There is nothing in the law about enforcement.) At any rate, anything that makes it harder for this piece of shit, and his short-sighted enablers in MLS top brass, to get away with thumbing their collective noses at

Because it’s so lucrative and alums are suckers for things that make them feel good about their school? I think it’s fine as long as people are honest and treat it as marketing for the school. I don’t see people getting worked up when UPenn runs medical clinics in South Jersey.

That is about 1000% more work than I want to put into 3 AM pizza bagels.

Now, let’s just assume for a second that the pee tape is real, knowing that it will damn well be leaked (heh) on the internet, would you watch it?

solving a solution is next level woke

If you think that’s stupid, the Browns hate kneeling so much they refused to go into the victory formation all season.

Of course they’ll sign anyone. I mean, if there had been some unsigned protestor who was a somewhat similar QB, stylistically speaking, do you honestly believe the Texans wouldn’t have snapped him up when Deshaun Watson went down, and would’ve instead opted to let a somewhat promising season go down the tubes? Well