
Say his name...

I La-Li-lu-le-lol’d

Pretty sure that Colonel Campbell could read anything and it would sound deeply ominous yet awesome at the same time.

Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Plus, all that puking helps you look great in those skin tight body suits.

I’ll bet his review of the Bible was just devastating.

I’d write a bad check

They will vote exactly the same because they can’t even admit it to themselves.

I wish I could give you more stars.

My ethnic background is Indian and as one I firmly believe that Dinesh D’Souza, Trump aide Raj Shah, Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, and Nimrata Randhawa a.ka Nikki Haley are firmly at the Uncle Tom level of buffoonery. 

...Doesn’t that make his takes more egregious?

Hot taeks sponsored by Acela.

...What does any of that have to do with him shitting out awful takes?

I think Mike Lombardi is football’s Bill Kristol. Polian is more like Lester Freamon from The Wire. Or maybe more like Buddy Garrity from FNL. Or maybe Lombardi is like Teen Wolf and Polian is like The Challenge.

Is there a way for the NFL Network to inoculate itself against future gaffes by this oldtimer? Maybe a Polian vaccine?

He is football’s Bill Kristol.

He was, I think, generally a decent person.

An underrated classic from Murray’s slouching years.

Anyone else agree that’s an underrated comedy gem?
