
Dallas should punish him by suspending him 6 games.

“Now we’re just talking about optics instead of actual football.”

And the reasons behind that (as well as what happened in my home state of Michigan) is what keeps me up at night. Always like to hear other people’s theories.

Have all and none of the stars.

+Planck constant

He’s currently undergoing a Schrödinger’s CATscan.

“We also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about how the cheerleader may have provoked the cameraman” - Stephen A Smith

Plus the many, many seasons setting up that Dany would make a great ruler and Jon would not.

Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?

So it doesn’t matter how professional you, how educated you may be, if you’re conservative (the “stick to sports” crowd) you still misunderstood the first amendment? (which is ironic)

I’m pretty sure it’s part of the timeless fan-theory tradition of “making shit up to justify a huge hole in my logic”.

A.C. Green, meanwhile, is fine with it.

Every Thursday night game is, I don’t know why anyone watches them anymore.

I see him as this guy:

I bet Whitlock would’ve raised his hand.

Solidarity among employees worked. What a concept.

Kudos to the anchors who stood firm in support of Hill

Who’d have thought this would be the Hill ESPN chose to die on

Re: Chuck Pagano, from a reddit thread.

I think (and I’m pretty sure Trey and Matt have said as much) that the reason they aren’t featuring Trump is because literally every other comedian on TV has their fair share of Trump material. Hell, you don’t have to look far to see that—Comedy Cental has, what, four other shows that talk about the man at length