
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

I live my life by one simple rule: if Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t agree with something I have done, I made the right choice.

If it means less Michael Kay on the television I think we’re all winners.

**Brought to you by Nippon Ham

They are the Nippon Ham.....Fighters. They have no quarrel with ham.


Sigh, yeah, that asshole.

Like the Michigan man who was so afraid for his life because someone was banging on his door at 4:30 am, that he opened the door and shot a 19 year old female accident victim in the face.

“ she didn’t know she hit him”. Oh, okay, so your best defense is a reckless disregard for use of a fucking firearm? Like, I deal with a lot of homeless folks. Thanks to our broken mental health system, a lack of social services, and rampant drug abuse, it is totally possible for a homeless guy to, for want of a

San Diego did okay with their Spanos dealings.

Do restaurants normally have open air meat lockers??? I swear you could see those hanging torsos of meat from the dining area.

Forget it, Drew. It’s Murphytown.

They burnt that bridge the first time they left town.

I’ve lived in Calgary and I just spent the weekend there and really enjoy it and for Bettman to try and sway the mayoral election to get in a mayor who will push to use public resources to bulk millions upon millions from the public is gross. Fuck that guy.

Also: Fuck Bettman.

I hear there are plenty of open dates at Philips Arena in Atlanta.

American Horror Story overdoing it? Now I’ve heard it all.

If only there were a quarterback out there who, after biding his time on the bench, took over a team with a stacked defense and got to the Super Bowl. But those guys aren’t just available at this point of the season, right? haven’t been paying attention. Got it.

Well, I mean, that’s just how you’re gonna look when you’re playing the heralded Jaguars.