
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

It’s just hard to find an experienced, talented qb who has won big games in the NFL. I mean, you’re acting like there’s a better option just sitting at home.

My only critique of this: the lyrics are too good to have been written by Phoebe.

Rally cat, rally cat why are they claiming you?
Rally cat, rally cat it’s not your fault...

And yet just days ago, the cat was attacking another member of the organization for doing his job.

Wow. That is more amazingly explicit than just about any of the others; I’m shocked its lasted this long.

Just as a reminder… These are not monuments honoring the dead. They are monuments erected after Plessy v Ferguson as a reminder to black people to stay in their lane.

Are their any societies in history that have erected monuments to honor traitors/loser of a civil war? I can’t imagine the Romans erecting statutes of conquered civilizations in Rome. 

Two takes, one serious and one silly:

The insanity was that the Ravens got that SB out of him on his rookie contract. He was Mr. Mediocre who only got a chance to have that SB run because Ray Rice got him 29 and-a-half-yards one week, and the Denver secondary got caught pleasuring itself on a jump ball the next week. The Ravens should have just Dilfered

Of course, we only want you on the right side so we can then complain, “Ah, ya fahkin fayehweathah, get off the bandwagon and go back to Cow Hampsha. Goodell sucks. Go Pats!”

Murders happen on both sides. Gotta respect that.

Blake Bortles might be garbage but he’s garbage with style.

It’s supposed to be grass. Because he would tear handfuls of grass out of the turf and throw them around when he came on the field at home games. It was his “thing.” And Ravens fans think it was the most awesome shit ever because they suffer from a collective mental handicap.

Between Dilfer and Flacco has any team ever had a worse pair of Superbowl winning QBs in NFL history?

> last I heard he was starting to pine for the Jaguars again

“Accused domestic abuser and Uruk-hai chieftain Terrell Suggs”

Ray Lewis saw no prison time for his role in a double murder (which he probably didn’t commit, but certainly aided and abetted) and has an issue with NFL players protesting cops who murder and don’t go to prison. Gotta hand it to the guy: at least he’s consistent.

It’s not like Brian Kelly has ever faced consequences for leaving somebody out there twisting in the wind.