MessO'Espresso is a noodle-bodied sloth

Surely there must be other occasions to use this on Kinja. I’m disappointed in GM rn...

Jon Stewart has two kids. Bee should have been offered a chance.

Loving (i.e. hating-actually-but-in-a-resigned-and-bitter-way) consistency with which morally bankrupt people pursue imaginary crimes to boost their non-existent ethical credentials.

Considering how scripted and risk-averse Clinton is, I’m surprised her aides approved this...someone is getting fired.

I love this series tho...

I think a lot has to do with law enforcement priorities. The most resources go towards investigating and prosecuting homicides since they are of the greatest immediate threat to public safety and they also show up in papers. While prostitution is a direct threat to those trafficked, the general population thinks that

tbh I do want to go just once to see what it’s like!

So either Marla had really cute and chubby baby legs, or Tiffany was undernourished?

I’m very excited to see companies stepping up to the plate for some basic human rights with recent boycotts or boycott threats.

Yes, “accidentally” bumped the pieces...happens to me a lot...

And now my weekend can begin in earnest.

Hope this happens more often! Next time don’t forget The Slot!

As a bi lady, I can confirm that it’s not working for me. Robots in general really.

Replace 5. with this Japanese horse archery thing...

And it’s hot and noisy and there are other people that I don’t want to talk to who like try to talk to me and I have to carry my shit out into the public for all to see and mock and it’s just terrible

To this day I only like solo sports and exercise, like lifting weights or running alone, bc I can’t stand to disappoint my teammates (a near certainty when it comes to anything requiring spacial reasoning skill)


Yeah, but they’re soooooo expensive!