I hate people.
I hate people.
Not exactly the same, but Prime Minister Cameron ate a hot dog using utensils, and the Tories still won.
Sadly, this is a bipartisan trend...
You win all the stars today.
I love how Erin’s expression in the clip at the top. She’s trying really hard to understand wtf Carson is saying. I hope she eventually gives up before she loses her sanity and starts hearing constant chants of“ia! ia! cthulhu fhtagn!” everywhere she goes.
I feel like there’s an EEO violation lurking somewhere in that audition notice tho...
Anderson Cooper was on fire last night! I hope more journalists will take his cue and follow up with the nonsense that Trump and Cruz spout all the time. The Washington Post’s The Fix is starting to do it, but many journos still feel the need to appear “neutral” when they really just need to be impartial.
I’m not saying I endorse riots, but if “not being here to make friends” fails to win the vote, then there might be riots.
No, it’s just sad to see the magnitude of delusion that is widespread in my country’s population.
As glad as I am that Lewandowski is getting charged, the continued inability of Trump’s followers to admit that a member of his cult of personality did wrong is just disheartening.
Since Sarandon isn’t going to suffer the most consequences under the Trump presidency, or for that matter under any general breakdown of society, I would kindly request that she not opine about revolutions here. (Also, as bad as Trump would be, I don’t see “revolution” really being a possibility here. Protests? Sure.…
This is the second time Bolduan has had to deal with this kind of nonsense from a Trumpkin. I’m amazed she doesn’t just throttle them before the cameras go on.
Here you go:
I haven’t seen anything from Trump that assumes he feels this way towards women.
Because he uses misogynistic comments to assault these individual women.
It’s a mystery as to why 25% of women still support him /sighing at women for the patriarchy
When you’re tired, it’s hard to keep up appearances (of moderation).
I think it’s time for a boycott threat.
Congrats, this means you’re winning at life! :D
So #blessed that Novak Djokovic approves of my period.