
Your Raspberry Pi links to Amazon where it’s listed for $60 and cut down to the 40's. I was under the impression that the unit was $35.

Are you Hispanic or West Indian? You people always have so much difficulty with past participles.

Now playing

I heard Mike Maccagnan sang this one his Jet interview.

Si hueleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, lo que la Roca... está cocinando!


“Hungry Emmanuel Lewis mishears PA announcer and rushes court to grab a Caramelo.”

I agree with everything you said. But at a sporting event, you don’t have 17 days to wait for the dog to come to you.

Hulkamania is gonna drop the big leg drop on you for writing this shit article.

Spring is officially here in a few days. What's premature about it?

What is this extra ordinary method you speak about? GADZOOKS I SAY!

Why is Uncle Moe’s Family Feedbag not on the list?

Recycle. Just like this article.

I hit harder than that.

Marko Ramius is not happy.

The Pussification of America.

You sure you're not using meth?


“Cam Newton still has that fucking laptop somewhere.”

I definitely believe this one. The thing that’s weird is a lot of people hear “U.F.O.” and think some Kang and Kodos anal probe flying aliens, but really an Unidentified Flying Object, at one point, could have been, for instance, the Stealth Bomber, or similar fighter that hasn’t been seen by the general public yet.