Not sure if I should submit this because it’s kinda shoddy quality and it’s a VS Bots match but...
At GameStore. Trade in all of your weapons and ammo and your dog for 7 bottle caps. During our holiday sale. GameStore.
Dear Bethesda:
Please move to the Unreal Engine.
Ladies who feel good in a bikini top and are computer-literate: You can make a hell of a lot fucking more than $30K doing it yourself, without giving this dipshit a 90% cut.
Cause it looks worse than the actual CGI in any Blizzard Cinematic.
I bet most of the complainers about the pre-order items are the Conqueror’s package players with no damn patient. I’m also a Conqueror’s package pre-order, but I just play through with my first character and eventually the items arrived, no delete or whatsoever, and add to it, mine was created on Orwen Serendia 01…
Names matter? LOL. Move outta your mom’s basement, kid.
“So NOW the people that had their characters moved from Edan to Orwan get NO compensation beyond what everyone gets AND have to wait until the 30th to get their proper names? That’s over a MONTH without the names they reserved for their mains! In a PVP game, NAMES MATTER> It’s all about personal reputation. You don’t…
headstart doing its job IMO. Works as a soft launch to find these problems before everyone gets in there. Kinda sucks that it’s already the proven customers who get the raw end of the deal though.
I just don’t like this trailer much. I’m glad you all like it, but it isn’t that great. I just can’t get into the characters. How can I be invested in a character that is so powerful? The animation is great but I have some minor complaints that I’ll discuss in my review after the series is over.
Whatever happens, you would eventually dehydrate then die. So dark.
God, never have played that, but last year I watched a Let’s Play on it (NEVER knowing it was notoriously bad) and couldn’t figure out why Superman was flying through kryptonite.
Hmmm, David Bowie has nicer boobs than I might have guessed.
Righteous hate for Quiet’s get-up.
It’s fun to insist that something in real life is photoshopped when someone point it out to you.