
Dude sucks hard. 

Fuck Palmer Luckey.

I dunno, I just came back from Vegas working EVO, and I saw little kids posing with those sidewalk showgirls with their underwear halfway up their asshole. Good clean family fun, Cotton!

I’m fairly certain this is the worst trailer ever made that uses real in-game footage.

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

A friend of mine has Alpha-Gal Syndrome (a SEVERE red meat allergy from tick bites, which is becoming more popular) and this would have had her hospitalized, if not worse.

I know people think they’re cute and funny, commenting about indignant vegans (even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices), but ANY

So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?

Well actually’s for this article

I await the R6 Siege patch that makes monitors impenetrable cover. 

Or, I think there are more valuable uses of my skills that don’t involve the military.

So I could... enlist in the army, put myself at risk of getting killed, injured or suffer from PTSD, willingly sign up to potentially commit the worst actions possible against another human (murder, torture, etc) at the command of some old guys in Washington, and occasionally play games in a desert?


The physics as he hits the curb is absolutely heartbreaking.

You should seek psychiatric help rather than waiting on a corporation to acknowledge your toxicity for some sort of self satisfaction.

Its funny that Sonic the hedgehog has become the most uncomfortable thing about going to Hooters now.

I really need to obsess over some other game:

Yes, bae is not an acronym; however, it’s still the dumbest word to enter the English vernacular in the last fifty years.

“First day, what a deal! Instead of ten years prison time I was supposed to be sentenced to, they give me a chance of freedom if I can make it through this maze. And to sweeten the deal even more, they said that once I made it out I’ll need not worry anymore about every expenses in my life. Everything will be taken

We’ll all be spamming that soon in the ‘States if the new healthcare bill goes through.