The word anime is often defined as “animation from Japan.” If only it were that simple!
The word anime is often defined as “animation from Japan.” If only it were that simple!
Goddamnit. I jumped to the fucking moon when he appeared right in front of Sherlock halfway through the video.
based on a real person. Tamara Bakhlycheva, Blizzard employee.
Watson.... is that you?
Abandon all hope, fellow Core Hardcore Gamers, for games have abandoned you! Today you witness the beginning of the Death of Games as we have known and loved them. THIS is what your "inclusion" and "diversity" have wrought!
♪I'm so fantsy ♪ You already kno-ow♪
This is a combination of under my desk with the pile of things behind me on the floor. It's been worse.
I'll go first—here's the cable pile lurking in my living room:
Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things by Kelly Turnbull didn't update this week, so here's one from the archives. Published April 19, 2010. Read more of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
Damn you Kotaku, for finally making me side with Putin.
but can they find Wailord?